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  1. T

    I changed my mind, evolution seems more logical

    Aww, what a disappointment. The title of this thread gave me a glimmer of hope for the Christian community... I guess I'll go back to join the scientists now...
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    Patriot, I am not trying to belittle you. In my experience, creationists seek information about evolution from creationist literature. They don't read books about evolution by evolutionists. You can see how this bias makes it impossible to make a balanced evaluation of the evidence. I have seen...
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    This is exactly what people are doing. Evolution is not in the Bible, so it is being thrown out without a careful analysis of evidence. Evolution and Scripture are only in opposition if you are locked in your interpretation. We know with all the groups of Christians (Catholics, Lutherans...
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    As was stated before, people are entitled to different versions of Scripture that do not compromise the fundamentals of Christianity. I am suggesting that the evidence supporting evolution, and the harm that dogmatic beliefs bring to Christianity, are reasons enough for a Christian to become an...
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    I said... "The point I want to stress is that this default stance that evolution and Christianity are incompatible is very damaging to the public view of Christians and to any effort of spreading the Good News." And then Patriot said... "How? In what way?" This is the primary point I want to...
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    For the sake of clarification, I wanted to talk about the second law of thermodynamics. It states that a closed system will go from a state of higher order to a state of lower order--the system becomes increasingly disorderly or messy. A closed system is one in which there is no transfer of...
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    Nothing. That's why we have to use the brains God gave us to study the evidence. Scientists have proved that the Earth is really old beyond any doubt. Evolutionary theory is nearly as sound. This necessitates an allegorical interpretation. Both of these quotes repeat the same creationist...
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    Please explain more. What is it about Genesis 1 that forces a literal interpretation?
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    I find it interesting that many Christians demand a literal interpretation of the Bible, especially Genesis, but then proceed to cherry-pick the verses they meant to be literal. What about 1 Corinthians 14:34 (women should be silent in churches)? Mark 9:43 (cut your hand off if it causes you to...
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    The Bible has an account of creation, but there are many interpretations of this story. There are Christians who are evolutionists (like Dr. Francis Collins, head of the Human Genome Project) and Christians who are creationists (most high profile Christians). God gave us brains so that we could...
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    I find it interesting, albeit not surprising, that no one brought up the issues of human rights. As a global community, we have outlined a lengthy list of human rights. In countries run by corrupt governments and drug-traffickers, these rights go overlooked and are blatantly violated. People...
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    We <3 TF2 n00bs

    I recently downloaded TF2. I can't figure out how to add a server. Can someone add me? My name is TJGuitarZ, just like my name on CGA.
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    Swearing appropriately in stories.

    If you aren't true to your characters, then you aren't true to your story. Readers will see right through that and will miss your main message. The bible doesn't declare swearing a sin, so use the words effectively. People get angry and swear and flip the bird and think all kinds of nasty...
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    HDTV recommendations

    I purchased a TV a month ago. I know two solid facts from my electrical engineering genius friend. First, unless you're going to sit less than 6 feet from the TV, you CAN'T tell the difference between 1080p and 720p, so there's no reason to spend that extra money. Second, Samsung is very, very...
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    New Personal Undertaking

    For losing fat and gaining muscle, I'd suggest following the lifestyle of The Primal Blueprint (book) and Mark's Daily Apple (blog). The science is solid.
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    Theistic Evolutionist

    I should have been more clear in the first post. I did not want this thread to be a debate of evolution; I have long tired of such useless prose. I am an evolutionist, wholeheartedly, and I am a struggling Christian. I request the voice of a maturing Christian who accepts evolution and...
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    Theistic Evolutionist

    Are there any theistic evolutionists around? Specifically someone with a moderate understanding of biochemistry, geology, astronomy, and the science of evolution. I have no one in my life who follows Christ and accepts evolution, and I need a mature friend to bombard with questions.
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    There's always a mechanism

    How do you support your story's origin (from God) when individuals from all religions claim to have had a divine experiences of their own?
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    I follow the Bible Answer Man line-of-thought (though I haven't read the entire book) that those sequence of events happened. As Jesus said, "This generation will not pass until all these things have happened." We're just waiting for Jesus to come back now. Sometimes I hope we meet aliens first.
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    Doesn't look to be unusual... but I'd still advise you "left behind" types to stay in your basement donning your tin foil hats.