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  1. T

    Update - Wednesday September 14

    Dohzors. I hate being sick and tired. I imagine things.
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    Update - Wednesday September 14

    Yayzors for 55 monks!
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    Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

    Glad to say agreed. The next person thinks that Mountain Dew and Slim Jims are good together.
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    Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

    Wrong. The next person thinks Vibro should stop calling Windows users dumb and should stop talking about Linux so much.
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    Youth Groups these days, not all but alot.

    People look up to people older than them. It's natural. whether they'll admit it or not, it happens. You need to talk to them. Get to know them. If you let the idea that they're immature get in the way, then you will never get ot know them. You never know. That immature kid who makes your church...
  6. T

    Youth Groups these days, not all but alot.

    You are not the one to judge who is and who is not worshiping. God and ONLY God knows the intent of their heart and soul. Their physical being may not show it, but that does not mean their souls are praising. And if you know they aren't worshiping, then you aren't giving your full attention...
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    Announcement Regarding Bible Study

    If it's Thursday night Bible study, why is it on October 4/11? Those are Wednesdays. I think it should be 5/12. I'll try and make it. EDIT (Pastori): Noted and updated.
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    Prayer Concern

    Praying. You mentioned Job. Here's a passage that will hopefully give you a little bit of hope. It does that for me when I need God to help. Job 38 (NIV)
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    Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

    Agreed. The next person thinks this thread will never end.
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    Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

    Agreed. So that's why you're not talking on Xfire. Next person is glad that therye home for the rest of the day.
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    Youth Groups these days, not all but alot.

    The fact that you don't want to be around them because they're immature shows a bit of immaturity in yourself. You have to realize that they look up to you since you're older. If you distance yourself from your youth group because they're still in the laugh-at-fart jokes, then two (or more)...
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    Youth Groups these days, not all but alot.

    I have to disagree with you. Keeping praise inside is not wrong. Praise, in my opinion, is whatever form of worship that comes from that person. The posture of the soul beats whatever posture your body may be in. If you are sitting and your hear is knelt before God in prayer and adoration, then...
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    Youth Groups these days, not all but alot.

    What are you doing to change it? My youth group was like that until me and a couple other teens stepped up and did something about it. You are sitting here talking about it like this. Quit talking and get off your butt and do something about it. Don't think that just because you're young doesn't...
  14. T

    Heroes Ascent Extended Weekend Event

    Pastori's idea sounds really good. The ViM, IMO, wouldn't be near as effective with half the number of trappers. We'd take twice as long to get killed and half as long to get killed.
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    Monday night PvP for August 21 led by Dorkelf, 10 pm Eastern

    I actually think I know the guy who's guild made that build. They won the Halls 80+ times and was one of the top ranked GvG guilds. He looked at the ladder the other day and said that he only recognized about 10 of the top 20 guilds.
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    3 word story

    chopper! It is
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    Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

    OOBA! Even though I don't know what that is. The next person is confused.
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    3 word story

    and screamed "Get
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    Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

    Not really anymore. The next person thinks Frank Sinatra is awesome.
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    Prayer request.

    Thanks for your prayer. Last night, everything blew up and the prayer was answered. Once again, thanks for the prayer.