Announcement Regarding Bible Study

RubberDucky has done a tremendous job of going through 1 John with us. However, as that time draws to a close, I need to address the future of our Bible Study night.

I will be taking over again as leader of the Thursday Night Bible study, which will continue to be held from 8:30-9:30 PM EST. This is effective September 21. Joey should be finished up this week or next, and then I will take over on a variety of topical studies. After that, we will embark on a study of one of the most often misunderstood books in the Bible-- Daniel.

The tentative schedule for the "Why We Believe What We Believe" program I'm running is as follows:

Sept. 21st-- Abortion-- Biblical References for when life begins and what our reactions should be
Sept 28th-- Predestination vs Free Will-- Biblical arguments for BOTH sides of this schismatic debate
Oct 5th-- Can you lose your salvation?-- A look at whether it is possible Biblically to lose one's salvation-- again, BOTH sides will be presented
Oct 12th-- War-- When is it ordained/acceptable, and should we support it when it isn't-- and if so, how?

Then, on October 19th, if I haven't offended everyone ;), we'll begin talking about Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, the lion's den, the seventy sevens, Nebuchadnezzer, Darius, Cyrus, and everything in between.
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If it's Thursday night Bible study, why is it on October 4/11? Those are Wednesdays. I think it should be 5/12.

I'll try and make it.

EDIT (Pastori): Noted and updated.
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The calendar on the website needs to be updated. It says that the bible study starts at 9:45 PM EST.

EDIT: Nevermind, I figured out how to update it! I added the schedule above to the calendar, it just needs to be approved by a website admin.
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on the list up there is says today is about War, but last week you said it was about Predestination?? which one? i dont care i want to do both but im confused??

Pastori: Correct, I thought I had updated the thread but hadn't. Thanks for pointing this out, it's correct now.
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Glad you asked. Bible Study is on temporary hiatus until I figure out a schedule that works for all of us. I'll be posting a poll on the main boards after the first of February (behind the scenes stuff taking place until then).