Heroes Ascent Extended Weekend Event


New Member
Come and claim your fame in Heroes Ascent during this Labor Day weekend’s special event! For the first time in the history of Heroes Ascent, participants will face off against each other in smaller teams of six, earning double fame along the way! To add to the fun, this exciting extended event will begin at Noon PDT on Friday, September 1st and will run all the way until Noon PDT on Tuesday, September 5th! Be sure to join us in Heroes Ascent this weekend and take advantage of that extra time to rack up your fame!

Somebody hold Dredd down so he doesn't hurt himself.
So, anyone want to take a wild guess what we'll be doing for PvP this Friday?

The only thing to decide is what we are going to do for a build.

The added attention will likely bring a lot of extra people to HoH. My guess is that many of them will be attempting any of the gimmick builds they may have tried in the past. ViM Trappers are getting really popular lately. With only 6 team members, it will change things slightly though. We could try 5 trappers and one assassin or touch ranger. I think the lower number of people could reduce the effectiveness of ViM's biggest weakness, the blood spike.

Other possibilities:

Balanced: Heal Monk, spirit spam Rit, Starburst Ele, Warder, KD or Blackout War and interrupt ranger.

Minion Factory: 2 MM's, 2 saccers, 2 resmer/heal

Please add other suggestions. After a little discussion, I'll post a poll on Wed or Thurs.
Arrg! And I'm unlikely to PvP before Sunday night. How sad.

On the good side, PAUL should be free for a good bit of Saturday. Yay!
touch rangers... 6 vs 6 will be a mess.

3 touch rangers per monk should make them fall fast, most likely people will be using 2 boon/prots for healing.

I have an idea for a touch/pet ranger I may mess with.
here is the idea 2 teams of 3 touch rangers, each ranger in the team has one of the skills listed in the multi-slots.

Vampiric Bite
Vampiric Touch
Offering of Blood
Maiming Strike/Disrupting lung/Bestial Pounce
Revive Animal/Otyugh's Cry/Call of Haste
Whirling Defense(or dodge, dont remember if skills stopped it..)
Charm Animal
Res Sig

Basically you have a group of 6 per target(3 ranger/3 pets(must be lvl20))
the pets gets a permanent +20 armor and +25% speed boost to running and attacking. Both teams have 2 fairly quick recharging interupts, 1 that disables for 20 seconds, 1 a knockdown.

If the enemy decides to run maim them and they are crippled, this has a 5 second recharge, so they will have fun running, er limping..(note the 25% speed boost on the pets...)

any comments/suggestions?

EDIT: Updated multi-skill listing to make energy usage symetric with bestial and disrupting switchable
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Minion factory gets owned if one member of the other team carries Spiteful Spirit. That's not a chance I'd like to take, since that's a fairly common elite to carry for a general purpose necro.

ViM probably won't be as effective with only 5 trappers.

However, it might be a good time to run my anti-touch ranger Starburst Ele build (tweaked for 6v6) as we will likely be seeing plenty of touchers during the event.

3 Starburst E/As who teleport in
2 Monks, one heal, one boon/prot
1 R/Me interrupter to keep one of their monks busy
I think ViM with 4 Trappers and 1 Rit and Toucher or Blackout warrior would be great! I like the Starburst ele as well though.
Pastori's idea sounds really good. The ViM, IMO, wouldn't be near as effective with half the number of trappers. We'd take twice as long to get killed and half as long to get killed.
The Reason ViM might work is honestly can 2 Monks heal the group? Especially if they are being Harassed. Also if we went back to 2 Touchers or a ViM Assassin than there would be more conditions going on!
The popular "ViMWay" build I've seen posted includes only 5 trappers anyway, so 5 trappers plus a harrasment/interrupt assassin might work well.

I agree that Minion Factory is easy to counter and likely not our best option.

The touch ranger group (with or without pets) might be interesting to try in this format. SS, AoE and blackouts would be the weakness. With the pets, the biggest weakness is when the pets die, you are blacked out.

The biggest question is what types of teams are we going to face so that we can effectively counter with our build. We'll have to see how Friday pans out. I'll likely be doing HoH more this weekend than usual unless other real life plans come up.

So far, the list of suggestions we're considering is:
  • Balanced
  • Touch Rangers
  • Touch Rangers with pets
  • PBAoE E/A's (aka Pastori's Anti-Touch)
  • ViM Trappers
I think we should stick with ViM.

It's the one we have the most practice with, and it should still maintain it's effectiveness with 6.
*should*, I like touch rangers, you can teach a complete n00b how to use it, and within a couple of days they are proficient with it.

with vim, it takes a large portion of managment skills. a large load is placed on the trap lead and following to keep up with what is going on. and people (like me) who have a slight add, looking at the warrior who just got blown up is more interesting.
Touch Rangers will totally be owned by ViM and will not hold halls for very long. It is more like Iway where you will get alot of wins but not too mant Consecutive. I like Playing a Touch Ranger but are we wanting to farm Fame or win Halls?
I dont like vim because I consider it a passive build with a high maintenance...

If you take the touch rangers, get coordinated quickly and beat out people who are trying new builds, you hold a large chance to take halls.

vim isnt guaranteed to be successful against a smaller group. I see this as a more mobile conflict, because you will have a smaller group in the area. vim has serious issues with mobile engagements. you sacrafice alot of the defense of vim to bring damage to the monks.

What I would suggest, for vim, is bringing "Shields Up!" to counter wanding for short periods. While that shout is up, it will be much easier to set traps. 3 people with the skill can keep it up and prevent people from wanding you to death.
See once you take an alter I dont think it will be easy to beat ViM. ViM is always getting knocked but most people do not take the time to get to know the build and play it well. I feel our Guild can beat any other ViM Group out there. I like Playing Balanced but with 6 people Balanced IMO is wrecked. I have done Touch Rangers out side of having 2 or 3 in 4 man groups or just one here and there they get totally owned in HoH.
I read your full post and Shield's Up is part of the ViM build since the beginning when you use a ViM Warrior it is a must. The reason I keep posting about touchers is I have taken a touch group into HoH and it failed badly. Nature's Renewal and other spirits commonly used in HoH totally mess up a toucher. If touchers worked with alot of them you would see them in HoH all the time. I have never seen one since touchers first came out. I commonly take Shield's Up with my ViM Assassin in HoH as well. It helps alot!
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vim isnt guaranteed to be successful against a smaller group. I see this as a more mobile conflict, because you will have a smaller group in the area. vim has serious issues with mobile engagements. you sacrafice alot of the defense of vim to bring damage to the monks.

Yea, that's why VIM don't work in GvG. Its not a great mobile build, like you said. HOWEVER, with 6 person groups I don't think you're going to have nearly as much sub-dividing of the team as you typically do with many Balanced and other builds in 8v8. So I think the chances of an opposing group being bunched together will actually be greater - hence, VIM is probably not really a terrible choice for this weekend.

Vibro hits the nail on the head when he says VIM is a passive build. It is, which is why there will always be people who will disrespect it for that reason and some will act like its the next closest thing to cheating, just like they did back when we did minion factory. But VIM has become a lot more popular lately in HA and there's a reason - it works! We're good at it too and I KNOW it is only a matter of time before we take the Hall with it. Have come pretty close more than once. We just need to get better coordination of spirits and timing on those whirling defenses to survive the inevitable spike or meteor shower.

Like Dredd said, balanced is GREAT, but being an ACTIVE build it has to be manned by people who are actively coordinated, experienced, and used to working together for it to be really effective. That's one of the reason we tend to favor passive builds instead - we really don't ever have the same folks show up for PvP events.
