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  1. T

    how sick is the nation?

    If you haven't noticed, there's a move coming back into schools to re-insert morales to the children again. The only problem, they want to do it without the Bible. Funny how irony works. The old generation sees what the current generation acts like without God and the morals thereof, so they try...
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    My uncle...

    He died today at 8:19 pm. Thanks for praying and keep praying please.
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    My uncle...

    Will be lucky to make it through the weekend. He went from being able to bathe himself at the beginning of the week to not being able to bathe, talk, barely swallow, or walk. Just please pray. We don't know if he's saved and he probably won't make it through to Monday. Thanks.
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    For the Guys.....

    I don't think they gotta wait sometimes. I can think of 4 relationships off the top of my head where the nice guy got the girl in his freshman/sophomore year of high school and they got married. Me and one of my friends decided that we will be valentines if we don't have valentines by then...
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    Guild Wars a la Vista

    Same with alt tab. Very very cool.
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    Guild Wars a la Vista

    I bought Vista a couple days ago. After about a 2 day long headache, a new network card, a new sound card, and a gashed finger, I finally got it working. I have to admit I am fairly impressed with it. It was worth the headache jus for the media center addition.
  7. T

    all righty people, time for another "free stuff for C$" day.

    Winter Jam Tour? That was at my city last Friday. The G.W. impersonator decided not to show up. The fire breathing cowboy didn't breathe fire. Happy bday.
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    The person below me...

    False. The person below me thinks that working from 5 PM - 2 AM, when you're 16, getting paid minimum wage isn't worth the lost sleep.
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    The person below me...

    True. I'm 16. The person below me knows what Tal and Guilo are from.
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    Prayer Request

    Noted. Thanks. :)
  11. T

    Prayer Request

    I know I haven't been around much at all lately but I couldn't think of a better group of people to bring this up to. On February 21, I will be preaching for the 3rd time. Some might be thinking that's not a really big deal, but I will be turning 17 in March. I got the urge to go talk to the...
  12. T

    Prayer Request

    I know I haven't been around much at all lately but I couldn't think of a better group of people to bring this up to. On February 21, I will be preaching for the 3rd time. Some might be thinking that's not a really big deal, but I will be turning 17 in March. I got the urge to go talk to the...
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    Prayer Request

    I know I haven't been around much at all lately but I couldn't think of a better group of people to bring this up to. On February 21, I will be preaching for the 3rd time. Some might be thinking that's not a really big deal, but I will be turning 17 in March. I got the urge to go talk to the...
  14. T

    DAAAH, da DA da DA da

    Didn't say you didn't have a defense. Your defense obviously had us figured out last night. Don't think I'm trying to take credit away. I'm just tired of hearing that the SEC has all the perfect elements while the Big Ten has nothing. If the Big Ten was so bad, would we have the only 14-0...
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    DAAAH, da DA da DA da

    Big Ten doesn't have the speed. That's one of the reasons we got beat last night. But don't have the strength? Psh. The Big Ten is one of the hardest hitting conferences in the nation. The announcers last night kept mentioning how it was Big Ten strength against SEC speed. When was the last...
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    DAAAH, da DA da DA da

    After Ginn ran back the kick return for the touch down on the first play of the game, he got tackled by one of our own players on accident and sprained his foot. That's an effective way to make us choke. Either way. O-H-I-O! Drive Drive on down the field! Big Ten is 2-1 against SEC this...
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    Merry Chrsitmas!!!

    Football team can't win? Psh. More like the football team can't lose! Merry Christmas from Central Ohio!
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    I got invited. Great group. Can't wait to get more into it.
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    So I'm on the 10 day trial right now. I'm liking it so far. On Stonemaul, I made a human paladin called Guilo. Lemme know your names. Its kind of boring playing alone so far.
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    Hey. I'm a member of Spirit of Elijah and ToJ. I play Guild Wars right now but have been strangely drawn towards WoW lately. I was wondering how many members you have and how active it is? I might go pick it up since its only 20 bucks now. Thanks. Thrain My xfire is guitar4god08 My aim...