

New Member
Hey. I'm a member of Spirit of Elijah and ToJ. I play Guild Wars right now but have been strangely drawn towards WoW lately. I was wondering how many members you have and how active it is? I might go pick it up since its only 20 bucks now.


My xfire is guitar4god08
My aim is InYourHonor08
Well - I can't tell you much about Redeemed aside from the fact it is HUGE. (In my opinion) So you'd have lots of people to play with :D. I think their roster has about 400+

You are also free to come play with the Horde Guild on Cenarius. We have about 40-70 people (our roster has 85). We were pretty slow, but we have been picking up steam. If you do pick up WoW feel free to come give us a visit :D
uhoh be very careful!!! I played GW in SoE under the names Sydney Ablaze and many others. I had 4 lvl 20s. Right before the 1st x-pac came out, I checked out WoW on a 10-day pass. I never looked back and have yet to log back in to GW.

So by all means come and join us, but be warned that GW and its gorgeous graphics may take 2nd seat to the depth that WoW offers. Now is a good time to check it out, as the xpac is just about 2 months out and a new world awaits!

Redeemed has 400+characters but around 250 accounts (many ppl have alts in the guild)

ToJ guilds:
<Redeemed> - Stonemaul server - Alliance faction - PVP server
<MSC> - Cenarius server - Horde faction - PvE server
So I'm on the 10 day trial right now. I'm liking it so far.

On Stonemaul, I made a human paladin called Guilo. Lemme know your names. Its kind of boring playing alone so far.
If you add any of these names to your friends list, you probably could get an invite to Redeemed:
