Prayer Request


New Member
I know I haven't been around much at all lately but I couldn't think of a better group of people to bring this up to.

On February 21, I will be preaching for the 3rd time. Some might be thinking that's not a really big deal, but I will be turning 17 in March. I got the urge to go talk to the spiritual director at my school and ask for a date and thats what he gave me. So, please pray for me as I go through the writing process and the preparation of drawing even closer to God to present His word.

If I can, I'm gonna have the sermon recorded and I can upload it up here or I'll just post a copy of it on here.

Please pray! God can and will move in unbelievable ways if you let Him use you. I say yes to His request.

Thank you.
Your brother in Christ,