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  1. P

    $20 a month and we get our own CS 1.6 server

    Sounds great Tek! I'm hopeless with geography, is chicago central?
  2. P


    Hi Para! Anyway, I'll be formatting my computer sometime this week, so hopefully next week ill be back in action
  3. P

    New Project: MusicSig

    Thanks for letting us know how you did it! :) I will have to use it sometime soon.
  4. P


    So is this a go or no? Edit: So I'm having problems with my internet, mainly my cable modem is intermittently working. I've reset it and my router several times, but it's been happening for about a month. I haven't really noticed it as I've been using my neighbours wireless...but that's...
  5. P


    I'll try to be there, I hope my CS doesn't act up.
  6. P

    Out of town as well

    PM me when you get back and we'll chat.. :)
  7. P

    Register for CAL

    It is CS 1.6.
  8. P

    CAl season date posted

    Sorry I haven't been around much lately, i've been pretty busy these few past weeks.
  9. P


    No..but it did say that a lyrics plugin wasnt loading properly.. But no it does not look like that, and yes it looks very crappy by default. I'm too lazy/busy to figure out how to configure it properly I await your postings ;)
  10. P


    I've heard about it, but have never played with it...I will have to. Edit: Thanks for uploading your configuration file..I will just use it as a base config file! Thanks! :D
  11. P

    Updated: PureFun

    Wow man, great jorb!
  12. P

    May 23rd possible scrim and reg practice

    I can have the server running, but I will not be playing as I still have not found the problem with my steam, I will have to do a reinstall this week sometime.
  13. P

    Which do you think is better?

    Both are nasty.
  14. P

    May 16th practice or possible scrim

    Oh, snap. They are scriming some random team from irc right now, I forgot to post here. Usually just show up in teamspeak on a tuesday night..and we'll go from there. I can't scrim at the moment because my steam is a bit messed up.
  15. P

    Act of war

    I saw some reminded me a bit of C&C Generals. I was thinking about getting the game if I could find it for cheap though.
  16. P

    Casual Practice May 9th

    I'll be there
  17. P

    Overlaying IRC and Radio Player in games

    Link This seems kind of cool. I don't care much about the radio player, but the IRC might be a nice thing to have. Your thoughts?
  18. P

    Minor Changes

    Sweet! I have a question..can we register as a central team? I think that would be better because we have both east/west/central players, and it would be the most fair route to go.
  19. P

    Tuesday May 2nd Practice

    Sorry I couldn't make it, something came up last minute.