Updated: PureFun

It looks very nice! I like it. I did notice one thing that bothered me. When mousing over the menu my cursor changes to the text cursor.
Killerah said:
Wow, it looks great! Very professional! Nice job.
Thanks! =)
It looks very nice! I like it. I did notice one thing that bothered me. When mousing over the menu my cursor changes to the text cursor.
Thanks again!

Which menu are you referring to? I'll take a look and see what I can fix, but it may be an IE thing. =D
SirThom said:
Which menu are you referring to? I'll take a look and see what I can fix, but it may be an IE thing. =D

To be more specific, Navigation, New Game Reviews, and New Music Reviews all show a text cursor when I hover over the actual words. Any other links, including the ones under Affiliates, show a hand cursor. And yes, I'm unfortunately using IE (I'm at work).
astrod00d said:
To be more specific, Navigation, New Game Reviews, and New Music Reviews all show a text cursor when I hover over the actual words. Any other links, including the ones under Affiliates, show a hand cursor. And yes, I'm unfortunately using IE (I'm at work).
Hrm. I don't think I can fix it, mostly because there's no code on my page that changes the cursor. Besides -- I can't get it to show a text cursor from my end, so... =/

But thanks for the kind words otherwise!


One of the new features of my sites is that they have this stats package called "Mint" (www.haveamint.com). A feature of Mint is that you can see what people searched for to get to your site. After just a couple days of collecting data, here are my top searches:

christian game reviews (2)
christian review goldeneye rogue agent (2)
FABLE2 screenshots (1)
fable2 (1)
halo 2 fun.com (1)
midgets playing halo 2 (1)

Pretty wild to see how visitors stumble across your site. Then, I can also see what these people did specifically on my site, and for how long. Very useful.

I also see that 5 visits have resulted from clicking the link in this thread so far, as well as 5 visits from the CGA homepage.