$20 a month and we get our own CS 1.6 server

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
Like the thread title says, $20 a month will get us our own CS server.

This is not intended to halt or even slow our progress toward raising money for a new dedicated server of our own. I think having a CS 1.6 server of our own again will help draw interest in ToJ CS, and may be a great boost in our fundraising effort for our dedicated box.

If you're up for donating $5 or more a month toward a CS 1.6 server, send me a PM or e-mail at tek7 AT toj DOT cc.
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A Tribe of Judah member has agreed to donate the $20 a month we'll need for our own CS 1.6 server.

I asked Atown for his advice on renting a CS 1.6 server and he recommended GameServers.com. We can get a 10-slot CS 1.6 server from GameServers.com for $19.95 a month.

As for location, I'm thinking either Chicago or Houston, since those two major cities are the two most central in the US.

So, post with your thoughts, comments, suggestions, questions, so on and so forth.

EDIT: GameServers.com also has a St. Louis datacenter.
As for location, I'm thinking either Chicago or Houston, since those two major cities are the two most central in the US.

Where was the location of the last ToJ game servers?
:D Living in the central US of A has its bennies hehehe. Other than being the aka belt buckle of the bible belt its also easy to ping da east or da west. Oh so ready, hehehe bandaids on the ready! P.s I can't get my avatar back for the moment but it does make a awsome spray wOOt!!!
:D Living in the central US of A has its bennies hehehe. Other than being the aka belt buckle of the bible belt its also easy to ping da east or da west. Oh so ready, hehehe bandaids on the ready! P.s I can't get my avatar back for the moment but it does make a awsome spray wOOt!!!
slim: If you have your old avatar as a Half-Life spray, e-mail it to me and I'll see if I can extract the image and upload it to ImageShack.

On the topic of our upcoming CS 1.6 server: Unless there are any objections, I will order the server from GameServers.com later this week. I'll be ordering a 10-slot CS 1.6 server located in either Chicago, St. Louis, or Houston (probably Chicago).

As stated in a previous post, a very generous member has offered to donate the $20 a month to keep the server running, but there is also a $25 setup fee. If a few members could pitch in a few dollars, that would cover the setup fee. But if I don't receive any donations toward the setup fee, I'll take it out of ToJ's current pool of funds so we can hurry and get this server live.
we love whoever is paying $20 >.>

i think chicago is our best bet, and i think our last one was in ohio or indiana
we love whoever is paying $20 >.>

Sounds like your embarrassing the person donating and yourself...unless that person is Christian, then I guess that would be fine, I think. :eek:

i think chicago is our best bet, and i think our last one was in ohio or indiana

I just hope it doesn't give me 150+ ping, otherwise...:mad:
Hold on (reach out n take corps temp) Hmmm tek said member and I am for that because its a [toj.cc]member.. Anyway toj sure could use another christain playing with us and speading the "word" I pray that you ping it well, because I am so looking forward to pwning you hehehehe..JK I know I know more like the other way around wait maybe pray for you to have a high ping hahahaha I might have a chance hehehehe jk again!!! AS a terran marine christain soldier stand on the Rock and help us show that TOJ is united and hehehe bites hard hehehe p. s Temp was Luke 15:4-5
AS a terran marine christain soldier stand on the Rock and help us show that TOJ is united and hehehe bites hard hehehe p. s Temp was Luke 15:4-5

I really thought you were Atown's age till I saw your profile, cc.slim.

Sorry, I don't spread the word of ToJ. But, sure, ToJ is united as a family of Christians. As noted many times, I am not a Christian. But in the good sense, I've been around Christians for 7+ years.

Besides, I've already contributed enough as it will be.
really thought you were Atown's age till I saw your profile, cc.slim.
Hehehehe Ponce de Leon would have like what I got huh? hahahaha A fountain of youth hehehehe. Forever a child and yet growing wiser wOOt. That was the most loving thing said to me Today Thank you!!!! The contribution would be yourself, your heart, your knowledge and your skillz. Caesars money is never going to change being Caesars.So that is something a christain does not seek just gives as been given.
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lol atowns age, i dunno if thats a compliment or insult :P lol jk