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  1. Thrawn

    The Power of God

    About 18 years ago or so, my dad fell off a roof while doing some construction work and broke his back. He technically died 3 times, and the doctors told him he'd never walk again. Well, he's been up and walking/talking/working/etc. for 18 years. As if that wasn't enough, he and Mom went to a...
  2. Thrawn

    Nightfall Content Announced

    Captured Son is insane... I did beat it with my A20 and my lower level Ele, plus some henchies, though. I found that coming along the beach from the east gives a pretty good chance not to pull more than intended, or at least not more than you can handle. Unwelcome Guests...where's that...
  3. Thrawn

    Complete GW.dat file download

    True, but not having to download anything is even better. :p
  4. Thrawn

    Complete GW.dat file download

    It's where the guillotine resides. ;)
  5. Thrawn

    Prayer Request...

    Just got a call from my dad. :) He's tired as anything, but he told me the doctor said he should be able to go home tomorrow. :D So yeah, it should prove to be an interesting time with his new mandatory healthy lifestyle thing. ;) I just wanna say thanks for all the prayer.
  6. Thrawn

    Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

    Depends on how long he's got to write it, and how long it's gotta be. I had to write a 2-page paper on HIPAA for Monday night, got home Sunday from my church's family retreat, mowed the lawn, played Counter-Strike, Oblivion, and a few other things, started the paper around 9, and finished around...
  7. Thrawn

    Complete GW.dat file download

    The only thing wrong with putting it on a DVD (unless it's re-writable) is if ANet updates, the .dat on the DVD doesn't change, then you're down one DVD.
  8. Thrawn

    Nightfall Content Announced

    I think that what will happen regarding the professions added with additional chapters is this: Each new chapter will expand upon the professions of the chapters before it. So for example, the expansion after nightfall will have skills for the 6 core professions, Assassin and Ritualist, and...
  9. Thrawn

    Team SoE PvPers thread Discussion #1 Best day?

    Lol, yeah, this is still SoE/SOE, just a group of players from the guild(s) taken to form an elite PvP squad. Kinda like how the 501st are still stormtroopers, but whereas most ST's can't hit the broad side of a barn, the 501st kicks butt! :D
  10. Thrawn

    Team SoE PvPers thread Discussion #1 Best day?

    Pretty much any day works for me. Mondays and Wednesdays are iffy, since I've got class on Mondays, youth group on Wed. but if we start at 10 like we usually do for PvP, it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
  11. Thrawn

    Name that build! (note: NOT SPAM!!!)

    Oh goodness, not another one... :rolleyes:
  12. Thrawn

    Complete GW.dat file download

    I knew about the -password one. (I use it, cause the only other person who has access to my comp, and would know what to do with GW is my brother, and he already knows the PW anyway. :) ) But that's pretty cool. I might have to check out the -perf one too... EDIT: Oh, also, another thing I've...
  13. Thrawn

    Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

    Yeah. but you should check out the "What is this thread about again?" thread over at FFC. It's apporaching 1000 PAGES. :eek: Nevermind, just checked, and it's at 1009. :eek: Next person thinks Revelation is a really cool book.
  14. Thrawn

    Profanity on Alliance Chat

    I can see both sides of the coin here. Yes, there's really no true need for profanity; things can be expressed the same way without using it. On the other hand, I can see where Michio is coming from. I think most Christians put too much of an emphasis on it, to the exclusion of other, more...
  15. Thrawn

    Prayer Request...

    Tests came back and it was a heart attck; I guess he had 100% blockage on his right side, but they put 2 stints in and it opened right up. He's doing well, and he's resting. He'll probably be there till Thursday or Friday. Mom says he's doing better cause he's starting to get grouchy about...
  16. Thrawn

    Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

    I didn't, but my friend did. Next person hates how iPods lose their battery quickly.
  17. Thrawn

    Low Price Nightfall Pre-orders

    Same here... :p
  18. Thrawn

    Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

    Mmm, pizza...but probably not. Next person knows the difference between de facto and de jure.
  19. Thrawn

    Serious PvPers UNITE!

    I'm game. Still need about 60 fame or so for rank 3... Mondays/Wednesdays are a little tough for me, as I've got class/youth group. If it's after 10 though, I should be fine. Just as a heads up, my favorite class is Ranger, so if there's a place for one in the build, I call dibs. :D (I can...
  20. Thrawn

    Prayer Request...

    Well, no sense in adding to the chaos when there's already a perfectly goot Prayer Request thread right here... My dad apparently had a heart attack either yesterday or this morning; he and Mom went to the NASCAR race yesterday, but he missed practically all of it cause he got really nauseous...