Tribe of Judah Aion Chapter Leader
ok I want to build a team we can be proud of. Here is what I want:
1.I want people that are willing to learn and try new things
2.Players who can and are willing to learn different builds of different characters
3. Players who will devote a little extra Guild Wars time to teach other Members and alliance members about pvping and helping lead pvp nights.
4. Players if called upon to lead. Like lead trapper, Lead warrior, calling spikes so on so forth.
5.Players willing to participate in a night where only serious pvpers are allowed to play to make an attempt to get a decent GvG rank and win the halls often! This does not mean other guild members can never GvG really we are going to get more people involved letting them have fun in occasional GvG but still give us a respectable rank more like damage controll if you will. I am not thinking top 500 but more in the top 1000 ranking.
When I talk serious PvP I am not saying every night we pvp even I am not that hardcore at MOST it is 3 Nights in the least it is 2 nights like what we currently do. I still wanna PvE I love PvE and with Nightfall coming out it will be up to us serious Pvpers to get new builds and pass them to our more casual PvPers on Monday nights or Friday nights. In this we can still have casual PvP and yet for those that have alot of fun being a little more serious about doing certain builds and winning you can have fun as well. Casual PvP will not change and the serious PvPer will even be more of an asset to help the casual players get into it more.
Keep in mind there maybe a lot of losses involved and bad attitudes will not be tolerated this is a game. If we get less than 8 will will probably spend a lot of time in Team Arenas and if we go to HoH or GvG we will pick up guildies but more than likely it may very well be pug groups. That is a warning we will have bad pug nights and we will have good ones. Remember we are to be Christ-like even if they are being dumb. When we go into a battle win or lose we all need to post something like GG and God Bless YOU! we are to repectfull there will be no taunting of other players. You can talk a little trash talk in a sportsman like manner
. I want this to be still very very fun. This will be nothing like normal hardcore PvP Guilds. Now if you post here and want to join this team you will be expected to show up on the night we all decide to take this serious. I am looking at Tuesday nights. Friday night PvP will remain the same but all nights are up for consideration. Also I will delete any none related post or posts that by people who just want to post and who are not serious about this topic. Please just make ONE post and no more after that. If you need to add something just edit your post. Thank you!
After we get a few people signed up we will start another thread to discuss how we will do this. I believe by putting this group together we will get to and win HoH often and be repectable in GvG.
FORGOT TS is Required!
People So far:
one2dredd aka Fiona Dredd
Slalomdms aka Sleeping Princess
Darphbobo aka Bob McKenzie
DZwart aka Loew Krug
Draken aka Draken of Maguuma
Maid Mirawyn aka Maid Mirawyn
Thrawn aka Thrawn of Judah
A Servant aka T h e B a n k
Servant aka Strike from Heaven
Dorkelf aka Axe Me No Questions
1.I want people that are willing to learn and try new things
2.Players who can and are willing to learn different builds of different characters
3. Players who will devote a little extra Guild Wars time to teach other Members and alliance members about pvping and helping lead pvp nights.
4. Players if called upon to lead. Like lead trapper, Lead warrior, calling spikes so on so forth.
5.Players willing to participate in a night where only serious pvpers are allowed to play to make an attempt to get a decent GvG rank and win the halls often! This does not mean other guild members can never GvG really we are going to get more people involved letting them have fun in occasional GvG but still give us a respectable rank more like damage controll if you will. I am not thinking top 500 but more in the top 1000 ranking.
When I talk serious PvP I am not saying every night we pvp even I am not that hardcore at MOST it is 3 Nights in the least it is 2 nights like what we currently do. I still wanna PvE I love PvE and with Nightfall coming out it will be up to us serious Pvpers to get new builds and pass them to our more casual PvPers on Monday nights or Friday nights. In this we can still have casual PvP and yet for those that have alot of fun being a little more serious about doing certain builds and winning you can have fun as well. Casual PvP will not change and the serious PvPer will even be more of an asset to help the casual players get into it more.
Keep in mind there maybe a lot of losses involved and bad attitudes will not be tolerated this is a game. If we get less than 8 will will probably spend a lot of time in Team Arenas and if we go to HoH or GvG we will pick up guildies but more than likely it may very well be pug groups. That is a warning we will have bad pug nights and we will have good ones. Remember we are to be Christ-like even if they are being dumb. When we go into a battle win or lose we all need to post something like GG and God Bless YOU! we are to repectfull there will be no taunting of other players. You can talk a little trash talk in a sportsman like manner

After we get a few people signed up we will start another thread to discuss how we will do this. I believe by putting this group together we will get to and win HoH often and be repectable in GvG.
FORGOT TS is Required!
People So far:
one2dredd aka Fiona Dredd
Slalomdms aka Sleeping Princess
Darphbobo aka Bob McKenzie
DZwart aka Loew Krug
Draken aka Draken of Maguuma
Maid Mirawyn aka Maid Mirawyn
Thrawn aka Thrawn of Judah
A Servant aka T h e B a n k
Servant aka Strike from Heaven
Dorkelf aka Axe Me No Questions
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