Team SoE PvPers thread Discussion #1 Best day?


Tribe of Judah Aion Chapter Leader
Ok openning up for discussion what is the best day for our Serious PvP night! For me normally Monday nights are perfect but every year for the last few years a friend and I get together and watch Monday night football every monday night. So best nights for me are Monday (After Football season) Tuesday nights and Sunday nights (Again After football season) no Just because i cannot make a night at start time does not mean to rule out the night. No one is above anyone else in this team. Obviously we have a few more experianced people on the team than others but EVERYONE is expected to lead at any given time It will not ALWAYS be Derk or Paul or Myself leading. I expect every person on this team to take turns leading. We will not continually make you lead either! If you are uncomfortable leading you can let me or Derk or Paul know but I expect everyone to do some type of leading. Ok now Everything is up for discussion! Pls only post ON TOPIC!!

I WOULD PREFER ONLY THOSE WHO SIGNED UP TO POST ...... however if you have some value input to add go ahead and post if you are not on the team. I will not delete it if it is on topic.

For Fun let's NAME the TEAM! Inigo's Pvpers? Team SoE? Wanna hear some cool NAMES!

So far
Team SoE:

Dorkelf: Monday or Tuesday
Maid Mirawyn: Monday or Tuesday
one2dredd:Sunday, Monday or Tuesday
Thrawn: Pretty much any day after 10 PM
Darphbobo: Monday or Tuesday
Slolomdms: Monday or Wed.
DZwart: Monday,Tuesday, or Wed.


Stc95: Tuesdays or Thursdays Early
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um.. well if the dates work for me. i guess tuesday and thursday will work but i cant stay up to late, so the time might be my downfall (curse you school!!)
and our name should be... the Sin killers!
Pretty much any day works for me. Mondays and Wednesdays are iffy, since I've got class on Mondays, youth group on Wed. but if we start at 10 like we usually do for PvP, it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
how about "The daily burden"? :P

"Daily burden" eh? I can think of exactly who that applies to around here and it ain't us.

I've thought up some possibilities for a group name:

Dreddful Pirates (DP) :p
Elijah Left No Exploitable Corpse (Elnec)
Warriors of Judah (WoJ)

For Dea and I, either Monday or Tuesday nights would work well most weeks. Maybe we should consider doing Tuesday nights particularly during football season.

BTW we are not creating a third guild for this lol more for when we start a post for the team and maybe something we shout out in a match lol.
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I prefer monday or tuesday myself, but I will have trouble staying up late; I have this horrible terminal illness called a job that makes me get up early and tries to kill me everyday. But just because sPaul said 'Elijah Left No Exploitable Corpse' I will make an exception on what ever day is choosen but thrusdays and fridays are completely out for me :(
BTW we are not creating a thrid guild for this lol more for when we start a post for the team and maybe something we shout out in a match lol.

Lol, yeah, this is still SoE/SOE, just a group of players from the guild(s) taken to form an elite PvP squad.

Kinda like how the 501st are still stormtroopers, but whereas most ST's can't hit the broad side of a barn, the 501st kicks butt! :D
Kinda like how the 501st are still stormtroopers, but whereas most ST's can't hit the broad side of a barn, the 501st kicks butt! :D


STC95... StormTrooperC95 DUH!:D

BTW: 501st pwn! GO VADER'S FIST!
I should mention that I very, very occasionally have a dance show on Monday. We're talking two consecutive Mondays, twice a year, though, so it shouldn't be a big deal anyway.
sure, clones don't work.

but what about a natural mandalorin (what Jango's race was) that had Jedi powers?

That'd be possible right?
Back on topic, stay on topic or we'll start deleting posts. Andrew or I may do it anyway, you were warned on the opening post and in the forum guidelines. If you want to spam and go off topic, there's a thread for that on the main forum.

As for "Elijah Leaves No Exploitable Corpse" I am pretty free. Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday would be fine with me.