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    Scammed at the AH, Blizz won't help.

    Forgive me but HAHAHAHA... Ok, I feel for you. Really...
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    i have to take a brake from Wow guys!!

    Come with Draaco and I to the dark side and make your break permanent...
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    I nominate FJ!
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    Music suggestions for Azzie Series

    I'm sure you can work something Five Iron Frenzy/Brave Saint Saturn in their work's so diverse.
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    Farewell from Draacnoob

    gasp... choke... sputter... HERESY! It's Team Fortress Classic, best shooter/HL mod ever.
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    Farewell from Draacnoob

    Pfft, Draaco probably doesn't even have a family. He's just that broken up over my quiting the game. Come play TFC with me, we'll form our own clan for people who quit WoW! And one last time for good measure, everyone join in! DRAACOLICIOUS HE'S DELICIOUS LIKE BUTTER AND TACO KISSES!
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    Sassperilla is gone

    Flying Circus > Movies
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    Sassperilla is gone

    Man: You sit here, dear. Wife: All right. Man: Morning! Waitress: Morning! Man: Well, what've you got? Waitress: Well, there's egg and bacon; egg sausage and bacon; egg and spam; egg bacon and spam; egg bacon sausage and spam; spam bacon sausage and spam; spam egg spam spam bacon and spam...
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    Noobs need some group time....

    Unfortunately there's rarely enough on at the lower levels to even make a full party for that dungeon. Then you have to hope they're all not people who never say anything or respond to tells.:p So you kind of have to hope that a high level will run you through. If you're like me though that...
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    Sassperilla is gone

    Eh, he'll learn eventually that until you're married you take care of your sister first.
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    The new alliance race....

    I worry about the potential side effects of the Stim Paks though...
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    The new alliance race....

    I'm good just waiting for BurgerCraft.
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    Icthus Update

    Yay, Icthus is going to come be my new bestest friend!
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    So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen to you.

    Maybe when the expansion comes out, but at least for now I don't really see myself getting back into. At least not in the same way. Of course if I'm not playing it almost exclusively and really working at it that makes it kind of hard to justify the extra cost. Of course I'm sure my...
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    The Azzie Series, Coming soon!

    I want to see "The Adventures of Azzie the Ghost as He Plays in Ogrimar!"
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    So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen to you.

    Well the title says it all pretty much. Cancelling in 4-8 days, since I have a mysterious credit of 4 days that takes me through the 4th. It's been fun. Discuss amongst yourselves.:)
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    off again

    Well right now it's not about situation, especially since I'll be able to play on broadband again soon, it's more then WoW's just become extremely boring and I have more then enough other untouched games that I've already payed for. I won't hijack Camm's thread though.:)
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    What does your character's name mean?

    Incendo's latin for on fire. Snidely refers to Snidely Whiplash of Rocky and Bullwinkle.
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    off again

    Well I'll miss you since I'm cancelling at the end of the month.