Farewell from Draacnoob


New Member
I just wanted to say one last goodbye to everyone. I have decided (and already done the deed) to delete my characters and quit MMORPG's alltogether.

My obsesive-compulsive behavior coupled with my comptetitive nature has been a recipie for family neglect for 3.5 years now (played Star Wars Galaxies for 2.5 years before wow and was one of the best Jedi on our server /flex lol. Jedi was a hero class and took upwards of a year to get).

Last night I decided to not go to MC and spend my whole evening with my family and it was the greatest thing ever. We had dinner at the table and laughed with each other without rushing to get to the game in time for MC, we played a board game with the older kids, and after that I helped my 9 year old with her science project.

Then it hit me. Everything I have been working towards in WoW is absolutley meaningless and I have waisted not only my time but I've held my loving and caring wife prisoner to this game as well. I cannot even begin to count the many times where we could have gone out to the park, taken the kids to the drive-in movies or gone away for the weeked to spend time with my wife only to stay in front of this computer for hours and hours in hopes of gaining a new rank or acquiring some new peice of loot.

Things will change now.

I appreciate all of you and the friendship you have given me. I will keep in touch via the boards and ill pop into vent from time to time when im home and the kids are in bed.
That's great news Draaco! You will certainly be missed, but I am very glad that you are making the right decision here.

Family > WoW

God bless from your friend,

You can always tell a hardcore gamer by their extreme and dramatic goodbyes. Hehhe, thats good stuff Draco and most definitely the right move for you. Family is greater then WoW and watching your kids "level up" will bring life-long memories that a game can never give. (well except for FF7)

I wish you the best and pray that God gives you the strength to make it through the withdrawals and temptations to be distracted by a new game.

I hope that when I have kids one day soon I will also be able to pull myself away from virtual life as well.
Obligitory "Can I have your stuff" reply.

Your friendship and fellowship will be missed greatly by myself and many others. I wish I could take my family to a drive in movie, its not WoW thats keeping me from it, its the fact they closed the Drive in theatre down a few years back.

† God Bless †
And may the Lords peace fall on you in your future endeavors.
Cya bud, was a blast playing with you in the game awesome tankage and pvping. Drop by on the forums once in a while.
After meeting you, I know you are a treasured asset to your family and friends and I commend your decision to spend your time with them first....and I look forward to your visits on the ventrillo server (after the kids are in bed).

Thank you so much for being an ear to talk to and for all you have done for me and others in the guild.

Your friend,
Farwell man,

I really wish you would still be around but it was great playing for you for the time you did. I hope you have a great time with your family.

Your little n00b,
Alicrack ^_^
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ewoksrule said:
[...] You can always tell a hardcore gamer by their extreme and dramatic goodbyes. [...]
Yea no kidding. Draaco you are a great person and a fantastic friend. I dont know many people who have the discipline to do what you did. I know a lot would just cancel their account, I know I would. But not delete all of the characters. I commend you for that, I commend you for taking yourself out of the game and spending time with your family. Very very good show.

Divine said:
You little n00b,
Alicrack ^_^
You misspelled Your.
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Pfft, Draaco probably doesn't even have a family. He's just that broken up over my quiting the game.

Come play TFC with me, we'll form our own clan for people who quit WoW!

And one last time for good measure, everyone join in!

amusedtoe said:
Pfft, Draaco probably doesn't even have a family. He's just that broken up over my quiting the game.

Come play TFC with me, we'll form our own clan for people who quit WoW!

And one last time for good measure, everyone join in!


funny stuff Toe. btw, what is TFC?
Even though I got the boot, you are still my family.

One night when I logged on;

Guild Chat [Draaco]: WHATS UP KHALRIZZLEEEE!!!!!!

Dracizzle man you are loved, and I'm going to miss you like crazy bro!
That sucks

I have been playing with you for those same 3.5 years and you were always way ahead of me :) You did the right thing bro, but now we can hang out more in rl than in vent LOL. Ill see you tomorrow at the movies.

Cesar <--- Ameden
Draaco you'll be greatly missed by everyone so just drop on vent and say Hi now and again but your were you wanna be which is with your family and im really happy that you are happy with the decision you made and hope it makes you feel ten times better then WoW ever could
Tanks alot, you will be missed Draaco!

Good for you Draaco,

You RL, family, and God should alway come first before WOW. I'm proud of you! I haven't decided to quit all together, but because of RL, work, mom coming to stay with me...etc..I too will be cutting back. I will still try to participate in at least 1 guild run on weekends and help guildys when I am on, but BWL, ONEXIA, MC and still help guild and guildys begins to take on feeling of a virtual job that will not pay the bills. So..more to come from me...

Samuraij/Aggro Puff
Sorry to see you go man, sounds like you made the right choice though. Hope to see you around the forums and on vent once in a while. Good luck with your future endeavors.