So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen to you.


New Member
Well the title says it all pretty much. Cancelling in 4-8 days, since I have a mysterious credit of 4 days that takes me through the 4th. It's been fun. Discuss amongst yourselves.:)
NOOOOOOOOOOO! My prediction is that you will be back driven by the thought of spending more time with girls.......

Who will I stalk now that that "hot" guy Incendo is gone?

Actually sounds like you are off on a wonderful adventure and warm weather (for which I am envious since it snowed again yesterday).

Keep in touch on the forums if you can :-) You will be missed.
I am sure you will be back, in one form or another. You will be missed, you and your sence of humor hehe. Visit the forums when you can!!!
Maybe when the expansion comes out, but at least for now I don't really see myself getting back into. At least not in the same way. Of course if I'm not playing it almost exclusively and really working at it that makes it kind of hard to justify the extra cost.

Of course I'm sure my influence will begin to cause Myth to become odder and odder.:D