Search results

  1. L

    Christian Metal

    I'm really big into Christian metal and was just wondering if anyone else is into it too and if they have any suggestions on good ones I may not know about. list of bands I like! For Today in the midst of lions demon hunter the gun show impending doom ( occasionally) sleeping giant oh...
  2. L

    Paul over Matthias

    well my question is considering how much Paul did after his conversion do u think Paul was Gods choice for the 12th deciple over Matthias who was never mentioned again in the bible to my knowledge. I think the 11 were anxious and felt it needed to be filled right then but Gods plan was to place...
  3. L

    Battlefield 3 players

    lol I just sold my copy bc I had no one to play with on Xbox :(
  4. L

    Minecraft Xbox version

    well I used to host a world on the Xbox version for a website I was apart of but the main guy from the website quit playing and quit the website and he was the only one who had the info to pay for the website so I havnt hosted in a while. if I'm on ill be willing to host a world but I don't...
  5. L


    sorry didn't mean to make you think that is my blog it isn't its an evangelist/ frontman of a.Christian metal band. but ill agree to disagree have a good night.
  6. L

    Black ops 2

    k. but all I really play is core lol I want to get back into b ops 1 again
  7. L


    well what is ment by those scriptures is that no one can live an entire life without sin( except Christ). my Question was do you think after salvation is it possible to live a life where we refuse to sin and live as Christ did without sin. I mean I am lacking in this concept but I strive so that...
  8. L

    pre-teen/teen resources

    well bud as a youth pastor myself I know what you mean it seems like even adults today cannot answer that question but my answer to your question is I think you should just consider straight from the bible maybe finding a translation that will be easier for them to understand(maybe HCSB) if your...
  9. L


    Did you read the blog that sums up what I think. But I want to know if to do you think a sinless life is possible after salvation(so others in the forum will know sorry for not being specific). But I don't agree with your last 2 phrases but I'm interested in hearing why you think that we cannot...
  10. L

    The Hobbit

    it was good for what it was a lead into the next movies but I thought it was kinda slow moving and not enough action but it wasn't ment to have a lot of action just the lead in for the rest of the movies. and it may have been better if I didn't have to go to the bathroom through the whole movie...
  11. L


    just wondering what you think about the topic of sinleasness and share a blog with you.
  12. L

    ToJ Server Whitelist

    thank u sir
  13. L

    Black ops 2

    hey guys looking for some guys to play Dom with lata tonight on Black Ops 2 if ur interested just add me on live and send me a message saying ur from here. my gamertage is L3G1T BR 23 and my other one is Fleshwound f08x not sure which one I'm gonna play on.
  14. L

    Black ops 2

    well I play core Dom but if I snipe I gotta play more campy and I don't like playing campy but may just have to apply that style to my arsenal so my k/d goes up
  15. L

    CoD WaW?

    I do sometimes
  16. L

    Call of Duty Black Ops II

    Yall tryed the FAL select fire red dot or target finder, stock its beast especially on carrier, but other loadouts I use is pdw fastmags laser, overkill FAL select fire. DSR 50 fmj dual band. br23 the three round burst pistol. all perks are hardline, scavenger, and engineer or extreme conditioning
  17. L

    Black ops 2

    yeah the last 2 have been so smg friendly and I can use an smg but would rather use an assault rifle or sniper but with the smaller maps I gotta play more campy but hate playing like that.
  18. L

    Black ops 2

    Well was just wondering if there is anyone else who think that the newer CoD's are shipping more and more games with terrible map design. Idk if I'm the only one who would like to actually have more then one map I can run an Assault Rifle and do well. it just seems like they throw as much stuff...
  19. L

    New Xbox

    @ phoenix like ur sleeping giant pic thing in ur sig. but u heard of For Today another amazing Christian metal band.
  20. L

    Tribe of Judah Xbox Live Directory

    Gamertage: L3G1T BR 23 and Fleshwound F08x. I mostly into Halo have all of em but only play team snipers on reach bc that's all I'm good with on that one. But have all the CoD's (if I can figure out what my nephew did with my B ops 1 but have mostly played B ops 2 lately but want to get into...