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    lawl, you dont need me as a tank

    i vote for illyria respeccing Resto :)
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    hello from Iraq

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    nothing beats Stonemaul cuz thats where are my friends are....very lonely on Mal'Ganis server :( *tears* We're doing Lady Vaj tonight hope i dont cause the guild to wipe LOL
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    I just want to raid more thats all :) and u guys don't really need me i suck at healing lol 100% overheals lol and i'll still visit the forums of course hehe
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    Goodbye Redeemed *cries* I'll be crossing transferring to Mal'Ganis server this afternoon so I would like to say goodbye and thank you. Thank You for letting me raid with you guys and putting it up with my attitude (sorry for that). You guys are awesome brothers and sisters and I'll be...
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    Best lurker attepmt 10/14

    yup i use that huge words pops up on my screen
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    Best lurker attepmt 10/14

    i agree with Illyria and Q about an assign grp dpsing on the guardians
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    Just a thought...

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    Just a thought...

    ahhh....i c what u guys are getting at cool
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    Just a thought...

    Is it possible to make 2 divisions in Redeemed? Like one for Core raiders and the other for Casual raider. 'Cause like Redeemed doesn't really recruit people per say. So i was wondering if like we can make a Core Division (4 raid week) where we are actively seeking people so we can move thru...
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    Winter Kara Teams!!!

    Update on my gear needs/wants: I just need Chess, Curator, Prince
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    VR's on farm, Magtheridon up next!

    WTB Pally Healing Chest
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    VR's on farm, Magtheridon up next!

    woot lurker !!!
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    VR's on farm, Magtheridon up next!

    Yea when i ran with Elite they couldn't down Mag...Lurker is a much easier encounter from what i seen...btw Elite wants me back haha lol
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    Where are you at with Kara?

    So are the teams gonna be update soon?
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    VR's on farm, Magtheridon up next!

    i can do every single day but fridays and sat :/ and would love to raid 5 days a week
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    2.3 Ret Pally Rumors

    Got this off the Pally Forum on WOW *The Tier 4, Tier 5, Tier6 and all Gladiator Sets have had their Spell Damage removed and the points have been reinvested in other stats, such as Strength and Critical Strike Rating. *Exorcism mana cost reduced. *Holy Wrath mana cost reduced...