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  1. C

    Another Word on Raiding

    oh btw you can full clear Kara with 1 tank 2 healers and 7 dps; its really fun too cause the boss dies really fast but i don't remember how do to Netherspite with one tank :? if its even possible
  2. C

    Another Word on Raiding

    rogues do stop caster mobs from casting :)
  3. C

    plz pray

    praying for ya
  4. C

    I am frustrated.

    Now that's a bad way to look at it and then everyone will say oh I dont have time for this and that; What reading boss strategies? 5mins? Upgrades? should come natural to your class right? I mean you play the class you must know what gear you want; whats a upgrade and whats not. I mean if you...
  5. C

    I am frustrated.

    Good points...and guess what me and Illyria talk about these "problems" every night before we go to bed. Sad isn't it? These "problems" are the driving forces that made me leave Redeemed. Honestly I would very much like to raid with you guys but when a guild is going no where I don't feel like...
  6. C

    ZA After Action Report

    ZA is pretty fun i did it with my guild cleared 4 boss in one night...i have to say i hate the trash pulls
  7. C

    a 1 month's goodbyes

  8. C

    lurker analysis

    what the heck is 0/18/43 spec? did u pt point into ur 41?
  9. C

    lurker analysis

    they can and thats what they suppose to do
  10. C


    woot ret pallies here we come
  11. C

    lurker analysis

    thats a bad idea putting range on the inner circle; the fight is as simple as it looks. All range dps on the outside circle; separate them equally and must have CC's on each island. Tank above the water, MT should have boss mod and should see whats coming. If you see whirlwind coming hop into...
  12. C

    a 1 month's goodbyes

    its God>Games>everything else
  13. C

    You guys are doing awesome

    Scilla is such a low pop server o.0
  14. C

    Skill > Gear

    A guild named The Seven just killed Illidan Stormrage..less than 2 months after TBC was officially released to Chinese WoW servers. Note: A mage still using T3 shoulders and helm. As well as the gear that the other players are using Story can be found on
  15. C

    lurker analysis

    lacking dps? i just did Lurker with my guild and the set-up is the same as Redeemed....range on outside island and melee inside. We down the adds and still have 7 secs to spare. Down the MT add 1st and work ur way around.
  16. C

    lurker analysis

    I dont know if anyone has been doing it but watch some of the vids on they really help as least for me and watch it in ur class PoV and they are really entertaining too haha
  17. C


    i'll talk to nevi about changing ur boomkin into a resto willing to gear it up or whatnot
  18. C


    i dont know if this is a time to ask u guys but can i have one ur ya chars(Healer) cuz redeemed needs healers :/ i'ma willing to pay for the transfer
  19. C

    PVP Questions...

    imo caster weapons does not matter as much and S2 will not have rating requirement only S3 u can save for the S3 personally for myself i'll be getting 900 pts a week and in the process of saving for the S3 healing set
  20. C

    lawl, you dont need me as a tank

    don't worry making a resto shammy will be lvl 70 in no time rawr :)