Another Word on Raiding

oh btw you can full clear Kara with 1 tank 2 healers and 7 dps; its really fun too cause the boss dies really fast

but i don't remember how do to Netherspite with one tank :? if its even possible
to evasion tank? 1 person cant tank both times because the debuff lasts longer than the banish phase
a dps warrior or druid with a good tank set would probably work though, the buff gives you a ton of health and maybe even armor? and stepping in the beam is instant aggro so it wouldnt be a matter of being able to hold aggro, just survive the phase long enough, 2 healers might be rough for that fight too, be interesting to try though:)
Double post ftw!

And a good rogue can kill anyone. I don't care if they are against an "op" warlock or a Prot specced warrior throwing town shield wall and last stand! Rogues > Normal classes.
I love when a rogue tries to kill me in AV heh, run around in full tank gear and pop holy shield and consecration and even stunlocked he kills himself the faster he hits me:)