Another Word on Raiding


New Member
Going to vent here. I got lots of tells and grumbles last night about not raiding, lots of complaining so I started a Kara group to get something going and snatch some easy badges. I did a WLADD, got 10 people signed up, healers and all and went to do invites and 2 of the ten who WLAdded me made other commitments and did not want to go anymore when I sent out the invites. One had a family situation come up and could not go. So we ended up with 7 very dissappointed raiders as no one else wanted to go.

If you are on a WLAdd, let the raid leader know ASAP if you want to be pulled because of changing your mind about going. Sometimes it takes a little while to get enough people mustered to go and if you are on the list, you may be counted on. Those few people who signed up but didn't go let their team-mates down. Don't do that! (excluding the family situation that couldn't be helped)

Be part of the solution, not the problem.
Yeah that was a bummer..

No Prob though Good, like I said If you ever need a healer drop me a tell and I'm there...:)
I do apologize anyways, the wife was on dinner duty and gave me kid pickup duty and i did'nt want to leave everyone in a lurch 1/2 hour in, again my apologies. :(
kid pickup duty > wow

Not upset at you, or anyone really, just bringing this to guilds attention for future raid planning efforts. Be patient, officers working out plans for ZA as I type. Course, RL occasionally slow things down! In meantime, farm for your necessary raid buff items and have fun with new quests.

Besides, I'll sic Goblit on you all next time! =P
Thanks for posting that Good. Also, people that are geared, to advance the guild as a whole, we could still use your help getting through Kara runs even if u could come just once a week or every other week to help out. Those needing gear along with new up and comers would greatly appreciate it and it only helps the guild as a whole when we are looking for people for 25 man raids. Much better success rate with 25 geared people instead of 15 or 20 out of 25.
Cassadine, you are always such a great raider, helping with strategy, marking targets, keeping your commitments, dealing damage at the top of meters, having your consumables and being available and helping people get geared up. Pretty swell.
its a joke between Cass and I, but its not that funny, just that Rogues need some blizz lovin
good rogues takes a lot of skill, go find fatexx outside of IF and duel him, then you'll know what a good rogue is like.

PvE wise, rogues are not as useful in terms of utilities in raiding, esp 25-men, since sap can't be used most of the time, so their only job is to dps. in ZA though, rogues comes in handy, stun lock scouts, also i heard those flame caster guys can be sapped, so we might try that the next time we go in there.
There are a lot of mobs in ZA that can be sapped. but other than that rogues have been left to sit at the wayside while they have buffed every class. Talking to friends that raid a lot the rogues in there guild have dropped in dps past the enhancement shaman. So now as blizzard says the biggest DPSer in the game is now been dropped in dps past the 3 in line because of the spell caster changes and also the haste hits no wonder I am leveling my paladin.
Yeah Rogues should be the highest DPS since they dont buff groups or provide anything to the raid but blizz has dropped the ball.
and that is very important at times but other than that we are mostly useless. I mean I Completely Epic'ed out with 3 Tier 4 and 1 Tier 5 and other classes with less gear can out dps me. Great I can Kick and stun. I guess I need to get some maces and go that route.