Recent content by S.O.S.

  1. S

    Timing Pushes: Learn How and When

    Thanks for posting the vids, Bowser. You have a skill for instructional casting. I'm excited that you included some 2v2s since I play a lot with my cousin. I hadn't really thought of using bunkers in 2v2 since I mostly see them in 1v1s. It looks like bunkers are great for holding off early...
  2. S


    Xymnas, are you Matthew.116? When I added you to my friends list, your match history was blank.
  3. S

    Return to StarCraft?

    I still play SC2 quite a bit, and I'm always looking for multiplayer partners. SlothOfSpeed.619
  4. S


    Lumpen, it's really good to see a new person join. I've been having a hard time finding people to 2v2 with lately. I'm around a gold 2v2er, but I'm trying to learn how to play terran at the moment. That would probably make me about a silver.
  5. S

    TOJ Ladder

    Finally added myself, and just a month late. Woot! As you can see, I'm not going to be knocking JaM out of the top spot anytime soon. I actually haven't played a 1v1 match in a long time. All my games have been 2v2s with my cousin. We did move up from bronze to silver though :) I'll have...
  6. S

    Anyone here racist and want to start a war?

    That sounds like a great idea (sure hope Parabellum and Naruto can make it). Me = zerg
  7. S

    Me? Terran? What is this I don't even...

    Really, this a fun video to watch. There was good creative play from both Elader and his partner.
  8. S

    Tribal Tournament #1 Signups!!!

    Hey, sign me up too. It's a great idea regardless of how pwned I get. I have family coming in this weekend though so I won't be very active this Friday-Saturday-Sunday. Hopefully that doesn't disqualify me...
  9. S

    Hilarious, bizzare, and interesting videos about sc II

    That last video looked like a lot of work was put into it. The song was actually decent too. It seemed like he ran out of lyrics halfway through, but hey, a lot of the best selling hits have repeated themselves worse than that.
  10. S

    Alienware Tournament Replays

    No, I understand. Your insight helps a lot. Previously, I didn't build spine crawlers, but the first game with the zealot rush messed with my head when I shouldn't have let it. I have no excuse for missing the destructable rocks though. You're right, that's something I need to be careful of...
  11. S

    Alienware Tournament Incoming

    Dang, I guess I'm too late to help. Earlier, I mentioned that the rules were poorly designed. Here's a quick run down of what you probably already know by now. 1. First download Alienware's Arena software (I forgot the name of it, but you can find it from the tournament site). That software...
  12. S

    Alienware Tournament Replays

    Well, I just lost my second game to another Diamond (neither were ranked as high as American Judkins' opponent tho). This tournament is a great way to get the adrenaline flowing, but I wish there were fewer holes in my play. Not really a close game.
  13. S

    Alienware Tournament Incoming

    Well, my first game could have gone a little better. I lost to a quick zealot rush. Also, I played pretty badly. I didn't scout. I'm might have been able to get away with it except that I didn't plan on building any defenses either (No scouting and no defenses makes one heckuva lousy...
  14. S

    Post yar replays

    Naruto requested this replay. His computer stopped, but he had already made enough units for us to win this 2v2.
  15. S

    Patch 1.1

    Well thank goodness Mostly Harmless is finally getting the help he needs. If there was a single person in this forum that needed help from a patch, it's him. I can't say for sure, but this one time, I thought I saw him fall to 2nd in his diamond league! *gasp* I know, right O.O As for the...