Alienware Tournament Incoming

Joined xD

How does this thing work anyway? Do we get multiple chances?
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I don't have the mad skills necessary for a tournament yet. However, I'm very interested to see how you guys do. Mostly Harmless and Naruto could really go far. Please keep us up to date [and let us know if you win any prizes :) ].
I don't have the mad skills necessary for a tournament yet. However, I'm very interested to see how you guys do. Mostly Harmless and Naruto could really go far. Please keep us up to date [and let us know if you win any prizes :) ].

You should join. I wouldn't join a tourney if it wasn't for free to enter. Tourneys give amazing experiences.
You convinced me. I finally signed up for a tournament (there's still time to join). I don't have the skill to win it yet, but on the bright side, there's no pressure for me to do well. Since nearly 800 people signed up, there's a good chance there are some non-elite players in there somewhere.

Also, if I understand the rules right, multiple games will be played before anyone gets eliminated. That's great because it's not like one game and you're out. However, they could really simplify the rules. They should have two version of the rules (Simple version and version filled with legal jargon). From what I've been able to figure out, I download special software that tells them who won the matches I play in.
awesome. Glad you joined.

Does anyone know when the heck this thing is starting and when were supposed to play our first games?
Well, my first game could have gone a little better. I lost to a quick zealot rush. Also, I played pretty badly. I didn't scout. I'm might have been able to get away with it except that I didn't plan on building any defenses either (No scouting and no defenses makes one heckuva lousy combination). And to top it all off, I let me resources get way too high. Not the best way to start a tourney :eek:
Hey i have a match in 15 min. How the heck do i contact the guy im supposed to play? how do you make the game count for the tourney?
Dang, I guess I'm too late to help. Earlier, I mentioned that the rules were poorly designed.

Here's a quick run down of what you probably already know by now.

1. First download Alienware's Arena software (I forgot the name of it, but you can find it from the tournament site). That software will put you in a chat room with your opponent.

2. Exchange information with your opponent. One of you needs to host the game. Make sure the game is set to melee and you are on the correct map (the map for the day is somewhere on the tournament site).

3. Immediately after the game is over, log into the tournament site with the account you created, click on "My Events", click on your matches and record the score. Enter "1.5" for the winner and "0" for the loser ("1.5" for the winner, isn't that intuitive? Much better than what I would have done. I would have just placed a button you could click on for whether you won or lost). Even with all of Alienware's unintuitiveness, I'm still grateful to them for hosting the tournament. Thanks Alienware!

Mostly Harmless, I really hope you got it all figured out in time to win your match. With all my losing, it would be great to hear about some wins.