Recent content by jjb14

  1. J

    Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer Co-op DEMO is so exciting!

    I need to get it if its co op!
  2. J


    All these responses have encouraged me thanks everyone
  3. J


    I need some of that smoothing lol I can't complain if i come out better!
  4. J


    Thanks! I actually am interested in what I am studying. Some of my professors dont assign homework so ill end up getting lazy in the class and not really feeling reality until a couple days before the test. I' will rely on Him for strength im sure ill be fine just have to grow up and correct my...
  5. J


    College to be specific..2nd year. Some days I just feel great, good grade here and there, no homework, the world is colorful .... other days... Garbage grade, HOMEWORK out the you know, the world is dark and rainy(literally)..i'm feeling hopeless and under the gun with a test in a...
  6. J


    Lol I just saw how awkwardly placed this thread was and had to laugh. Anyway, I appreciate all the advice
  7. J


    that is great rev and i agree. its just my consistency goes bad sometimes. ill be enjoying life and everything and praying and reading and feel like I can go the rest of my life without doing something like that again. then, one pop quiz, another professor doing me wrong, or i feel like they did...
  8. J


    Nobody wants to talk about it, and just about everyone denies it yet I believe a majority have struggled with this issue. I Just started walking closely with God about a good year ago, and the longest I went without falling is about 2 months . Just did a month but stopped like a fool. I notice...
  9. J

    Funny Meme Comics

    lol some of these really get me
  10. J

    Recent College graduate... looking for work.

    Psalms 37 - The steps of the righteous man are ordered by the Lord! I live with this bro and its true and don't forget it
  11. J


    ^^ reps to you for a good answer I thank God for leading me here I've been doing a lot better since the other night.
  12. J


    Stay positive and speak positive man you're doing the right thing i too feel better just keep your head up and know who's greater than who
  13. J


    Wow thanks man, I prayed about it earlier and took authority and it did loosen up a bit. The strange thing is, I end up being anxious about being anxious and I thought that was silly but apparently its not. Thanks a lot man
  14. J


    Anyone ever feel anxiety in their spirit but cannot understand why? I feel vexed sometimes.. like a panic feeling in my heart but i have no reason to feel threatened. I can only remember feeling like this in two situations.. A: Before I followed Christ and learned about how we wrestle not...
  15. J

    So a girl died, and saw a vision of hell..

    It sure doesn't.. i appreciate all replies. Now I can play twisted metal with my cousin and watch DBZ and not feel like a murderer lol.