Recent content by Captain_Tea

  1. Captain_Tea

    Call of Duty 4

    I reinstalled COD4 and was surprised by how many populated servers there still are. Anyone else still play?
  2. Captain_Tea

    UT3 server

    This is on the UT3 Steam Store page "This title is currently unavailable and will be available in the future. Stay tuned!"
  3. Captain_Tea

    UT3 server

    You’re right. Just being nostalgic. I still play UT2004 every now and then. I just might message you and we can make some “Pancakes”
  4. Captain_Tea


    Looks like the project is dead...
  5. Captain_Tea

    UT3 server

    Found a couple places that will still host one.
  6. Captain_Tea


    Even though epic shut down the master server UT4 is still alive at
  7. Captain_Tea

    UT3 server

    I’ve been thinking about resurrecting our old UT3 server. Is anyone interested in playing?
  8. Captain_Tea

    Wii console

    Yeah the WiiLink. Are there any games that will still allow you to join with friends?
  9. Captain_Tea

    Wii console

    Is anyone still playing their Wii with the open source replacement server for the WiiConnect24?
  10. Captain_Tea

    iPhone Games

    What games are popular with all of you with iPhones these days?
  11. Captain_Tea

    Unreal Tournament 2004

    I still play some UT2004 from time to time in the evenings. You will find me on this server.
  12. Captain_Tea

    Still Playing Wii?

    Been playing Super Smash Bros Brawl, Mario Cart, Super Mario Bros Wii, Wii Sports,etc... With the Homebrew Channel you can rip your disc's to USB and launch them with that.
  13. Captain_Tea

    Still Playing Wii?

    I recently hooked up my old Wii and modded it with HomeBrew and RiiConnect to still play online. Anyone else still playing?