Recent content by Britannianhero4

  1. B

    If God and/or his son/spirit chews me out and how I can introduce God and his word

    I put God The Father and his son Jesus Christ and his Holy Spirit first. I agree on Matthew 18: 19 and 20. If I get chewed out like in visions or a trip to Heaven will it be out of love? If I feel discouraged even whether love, being loved, being able to be forgiven etc. what would God's...
  2. B

    Introductory Thread

    This is my second post. About me First Name: Jason DOB (Date of Birth): 02/12/1987 Favorite Music Bands (Yes I am a Christian): Gospel Bands I've heard of, Motley Crue, Quiet Riot, Tesla, Tears for Fears etc. Favorite Vegetable: LETTUCE and Brocolli, LETTUCE and Brocolli! Sorry...
  3. B

    I play these Super Nintendo Entertainment System games are they moral?

    Howdy this is my first post and I am Jason from UTAH, North United States of America. can help too I am only linking so that it is easier to agree on Matthew 18: 19 and 20 and help me out with God in the midst of us. Here are the SNES games I play atleast some of them are...