Youth Groups these days, not all but alot.

If you wish to change the group you are in start small, don't expect to much to happen quickly, people will always dissapoint you if you take that approch. Instead start with one person and instill in them your desire for a stronger God oriented group and then get them to help you reach others, one at a time you will be supprised in the long term what you can accomplish in your youth group and church.

That's the best way to do it. 1 gets 2. 2 gets 4. 4 gets 8. 8 gets 16...and so on and so on. Start small...think big
The fact that you don't want to be around them because they're immature shows a bit of immaturity in yourself. You have to realize that they look up to you since you're older. If you distance yourself from your youth group because they're still in the laugh-at-fart jokes, then two (or more) things are gonna happen.

1) High school is really gonna suck for you at church. You will distance yourself from them and you won't have any friends when they do mature some because they'll think you don't like them.
2) They'll see you distancing yourself from them and then they'll distance themselves. When they distance themselves, the younger kids coming up after that and the new kids to the youth group will have the same thing happen for them.
I am a freshmen. few even know my name
but i know they arent worshipping MM. If someone has a fire for God you can see it. even if they are "quiet worshippers" you can see if they mean it. The look in the eyes of the choir and some church members are lethargic and uncaring. they fill in the last word in that little listening sheet and then they are done listening.
Don't let being unknown deter you, that does not really matter anyway, take charge remember start small, work on one person you will be suprised, in most cases there are those who will feel the same way as you but are afraid to break the status quo. I encourage you to just take point and start small.
but i know they arent worshipping MM. If someone has a fire for God you can see it. even if they are "quiet worshippers" you can see if they mean it. The look in the eyes of the choir and some church members are lethargic and uncaring. they fill in the last word in that little listening sheet and then they are done listening.

You are not the one to judge who is and who is not worshiping. God and ONLY God knows the intent of their heart and soul. Their physical being may not show it, but that does not mean their souls are praising.

And if you know they aren't worshiping, then you aren't giving your full attention to God during worship.

What does being a Freshman have to do with it? I was a Freshman once too and I started at a new church. If you want to make more friends and make an influence, then get to know them. Learn their names.
when darphbobo said people look up to you. not in my current youth group. i am a freshman that is what that means. no one here is getting what i mean.
People look up to people older than them. It's natural. whether they'll admit it or not, it happens. You need to talk to them. Get to know them. If you let the idea that they're immature get in the way, then you will never get ot know them. You never know. That immature kid who makes your church repulsive might be the next Billy Sunday or Jonathan Edwards or Billy Graham or Nelson Purdue or the next Pastori once they grow out of that phase. Remember something. We all were like that at some stage or another. It's part of life.

With that being said, you can help them. They are going to face trials. They are going to face tribulations. If you are there as a friend, you can say you've gone through that before and when they need God the most and they might not think of Him being there because they aren't as far along spiritually, then you can help them. If they learn to trust in God, vuallah (or however you spell that)! Your youth group grows stronger in God and in fellowship. It can be done but only if the effort is put forth.
Well said.
(Btw: "Voila!" :D )

As for being a "freshman," break the stereotype. Do what you can to be a shining example of a role model, and people will be forced to look at you that way. And, if you're lucky, they will try to emulate that.

As Paul tells Timothy: "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity." (1 Timothy 4:12)
And it's not just believers, it's everyone.

BUT, and this is important:

1 Peter 3:15-16 said:
But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.

I believe the second part of that passage applies not only to apologetics, but to every aspect of our Christian lives. Our own slander, be it against people, lifestyles, or in this case, youth groups, does nothing to help either the subject in question, nor peoples' views of Christians (which, frankly, don't need our help to make them lower...)
no one here is getting what i mean.

so far everyone has said about the same thing.
1. you have a fire for God
2. Start small
3. be patient

obivioulsy we arnt understanding what you are asking/saying or you arnt understanding us, otherwise this topic would be dead and 6 feet under. Now i understand the fact that you feel... unnoticealbe, and that you feel that you cant make a difference. Well, not to be blunt but, ITS WRONG! YOU CAN make a difference, and i know that everyone of us here has heard that who knows how many times. Joey, we arnt understanding what your saying, and i think that only you can. Have you even talked to your parents or youth leader?? i would have done that first or right after i posted on the forums. I'm freshman so i know how you feel (the Juniors scare me...:o ) but thats why they have class offices, so you CAN make a difference. I'm running for pres. :) even if you go to a public school, you can still run and make a difference. (public FTW!:p )

Joey you know that we are here for you, you know that we'll always stand by you, you know that no matter what we will love you, but dont get constructive critisism mixed up with anger or hate. Joey we are all here, for what ever you need, now in order to clear up any confusion, maybe you should re-write how you feel about YOUR youth group or youth groups that YOU have attended.

Good luck Duckie, dont forget to take a bath.

Rubber duckie your the one, you make bath time.. lots of fun! OH RUBBER DUCKIE I'M SO OFFILY FOND OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!:D

I'm a Freshman
Freshman's unite!! wOOt!:D
Never think that you are insignificant, small details are what makes life, what changes decisions, what defines us. If you are persistant and obedient, God will move you toward positions where you can have the most impact. Its not to say that he moves you physically, per se, but rather gives you oppertunities to reach out furthur.
my youth group is weak. we have no fellowship. few even listen. THE PASTORS OWN SON! talks during the bible study part. it makes me angry, because he does this his friend (who is spiritually strong) wont show his strength for fear of being called stupid by his friends for anwsering the question. as for me i showed my strength and was shuned by half the youth group. it was the same with other ones i have gone to, and ones my friends have gone to.
but there was one. at a non-denominational church. i had never been there before but people were like "hey man whats up"? and during praise and worship they laid hands on me and prayed for me in tounges. they asked if i could use prayer, if i wanted play football (even though i dont like sports i was touched) so i am saying there are strong youth groups. many. but not enough.
Thanks i think that cleared a lot of things up, im gonna wait to see what other people will say but about the part with being shuned for following God, it doesnt matter, as long as God is happy with you, that's all you need to focus on. i know its eaiser said then done, trust me i've done it, but it was wonderful at the end of it and God really blessed me.
Stay strong and always follow the Lord!
I don't know about how others will feel about it but I have always been of the impression that if you arn't getting what God wants you to out one place, he wants you to make a change. Either by trying to change hearts where you are at or going to a different place. Both present a challenge for you. Have you ever considered starting your own group with those who want to learn and fellowship. I think more importantly what we as a group should be doing for you is praying that God will give you guidance and provide some understanding as to why you are where you are at or where you need to go.
Ducky Dude, thank you for the truth! I'm so sick of it too! And I do have room to talk because I'm a fairly new Christian and have been to EIGHT different churches in the past three years! They are all the same, (at least in my expierience,). They all say Hi once and then you cease to exist. Then when you do go you get nothing but talk of boys, shoes, the Eagles. Anything but God! And then when you draw, (in the nicest way) attention to the fact that this is God's time, and we've been turning His house into a market place, even the teachers ignore you. I know because I've done it! Sure it takes only a flame to start a fire, but you cannot light wet wood! And you can only put up with it so long before you die out and turn into wet wood! Or, in the words of Paul "bad company corrupts good habits,"!
You absolutely cannot get someone to seek God when they don't want Him! As sad as it is God said "SEEK and then you will find me,"
Unfortunately we cannot do that for people! If they don't want God that's how it is and you cannot change that! People are hardheaded! Especially my generation. We have been blinded by the devil because we to often tolerate behavior that blatantly goes against God! How did we get here?! The love of God has gone from us! Not because he wants it that way, but because we are spiritual wusses! Yes I mean Americans! Some time ago some chinese came and attende a church service here. When it was over they were asked, "How did you like it?" They replied "I never knew you could do so much without God." Ouch. But you know what they can say that because their kids watch their parents torured for Jesus, their homes are taken away, they are beaten to death! And we sit here to cowardly to stand up to the institution of the church, (which Jesus constantly spoke against) because we might offend someone. Give me a break! Our generations relationship with God is worth the persecution! So keep it up Ducky! Take comfort in the fact that if you are like the Master, only then are you persecuted.
Awaiting the wedding, bride of Christ
Ducky I can sympathize with you. For years my church youth group had a similar problem. We went through 2 youth pastors over about 5 and a half years before there was any change. My brother and I were'nt cool enough to be in the clique in my YG. For years we were ignored and excluded from anything and everything taht wasn't announced publicly in the church bulletin. It wasn't until our second youth pastor resigned to go back to seminary that we started to turn into a real group. We were left without leadership, and there was no one left to feed the clique(it's sad but true the youth pastor got sucked in too). Sometimes it takes extreme circumstances and a little growing up for change to take place. You are already wise beyond your years, it's just your peers that haven't reached the same level of maturity as you. Cliques form and cliques fall apart all the time. I think though that if you wait and pray long enough God will present you with a solution one way or another. In my experience strong youth groups are few and far between but that doesnt mean you can't turn a group around. My youth group is a prime example.
As some one older than most who post on CGA, I would be curious to see how many adults encourage a relaxed attitude for Christ or even basic manners by not discouraging the behaviours mentioned.

Let me ask this...

Do adults say anything to the youth who talk during Bible Study or Church Services?
Do the youth also realize they are setting an example for the younger members of the church?

We had a problem in our previous church with youth talking during services (it wasn't the reason we left). It was brought to the attention of the Youth Minister - but although a very congenial and pleasant person (former fire-fighter, very popular with the youth) this fellow was very very slow and reluctant to take action, if I am remembering things correctly. Understandable, since his kid was one of the chief culprits. :rolleyes: There were certain youth who NEVER talked, for one simple reason - their parents were in the service and they knew the consequences. Many parents no longer have that kind of influence with their kids, it seems to me.

I also remember that these youth were constantly lectured by their leader and others not to form cliques, and the lectures were fruitless. They were also exposed to lesson after lesson about reaching out to the needy, but one girl in the group (who Dea and I once sponsored for 'True Love Waits') was shunned and eventually driven away by these youth when she got pregnant - in other words, at the time she needed the most support and love. I have to think part of this driving away was at the behest of some of the parents, not wanting them to hang out with 'that type' of girl.

They were also exposed to lesson after lesson about reaching out to the needy, but one girl in the group (who Dea and I once sponsored for 'True Love Waits') was shunned and eventually driven away by these youth when she got pregnant - in other words, at the time she needed the most support and love. I have to think part of this driving away was at the behest of some of the parents, not wanting them to hang out with 'that type' of girl.

That's very sad... :(

In my opinion, if these kids were truly commited to Christ, this girl would be exactly the type of person they need to hang out with, supporting them and ministering to them, demonstrating that Jesus is living within them. As Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick."
And it's not just people who are truly struggling, like this girl, but also the people who could just use a helping hand at times.

As a junior youth leader, this is one of the things I try to impress upon the kids in my youth group, both in speech, and by my own actions.