no one here is getting what i mean.
so far everyone has said about the same thing.
1. you have a fire for God
2. Start small
3. be patient
obivioulsy we arnt understanding what you are asking/saying or you arnt understanding us, otherwise this topic would be dead and 6 feet under. Now i understand the fact that you feel... unnoticealbe, and that you feel that you cant make a difference. Well, not to be blunt but, ITS WRONG! YOU CAN make a difference, and i know that everyone of us here has heard that who knows how many times. Joey, we arnt understanding what your saying, and i think that only you can. Have you even talked to your parents or youth leader?? i would have done that first or right after i posted on the forums. I'm freshman so i know how you feel (the Juniors scare me...

) but thats why they have class offices, so you CAN make a difference. I'm running for pres.

even if you go to a public school, you can still run and make a difference. (public FTW!

Joey you know that we are here for you, you know that we'll always stand by you, you know that no matter what we will love you, but dont get constructive critisism mixed up with anger or hate. Joey we are all here, for what ever you need, now in order to clear up any confusion, maybe you should re-write how you feel about YOUR youth group or youth groups that YOU have attended.
Good luck Duckie, dont forget to take a bath.
Rubber duckie your the one, you make bath time.. lots of fun! OH RUBBER DUCKIE I'M SO OFFILY FOND OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!
Freshman's unite!! wOOt!