Youth Groups these days, not all but alot.


New Member
The youth groups these days are SICK! they are not strong AT ALL! i speak of experience. I am thoroughly concerned for all the groups in America. There are few that are strong but many that are weak. The youth groups at my church are weak. they have such "cliques"* we dont have fellowship. THE CHURCHES ARE SICK!!!!! MY CHURCH SPEAKS OF REVIVAL! HOW CAN YOU REVIVE SOMETHING THAT HAS NEVER BEEN ALIVE?!?!???!?!!!?!?!?!?!?!!?!!?!?!?!?!?! but why? why should churches be like that? why cant the be alive more often? THERE IS NO REASON! have you not noticed that? if the youth is the church of tomorrow, WHY NOT STRENGTHEN THEM? my pastor NEVER mentions the youth group! ITS NOT RIGHT! i want to leave the church! MY CHURCH MAKES FUN OF OTHERS! AT MY CHURCH WORSHIP IS STANDING AND SINGING AND NOTHING MORE! now i know that is still worship too, but that isnt ALL that worship is, that isnt ALL that God want us to do for worship! post if you agree, or even if you dont. Just talk, if you see this and agree dont be quiet. YOUR VOICE NEEDS TO BE HEARD!
Ducky, have you thought of trying a different church or youth group until your church improves? My church has been very slow at implementing youth things but they are gradually doing it. After all, this year they added a whole hour devoted to only having Sunday school. I can understand why you are upset- I have similar issues with my church. However, I think it falls on us to either try other churches or get involved to change things. Change is slow, and I hate slow, but that is the way lasting change is made. Just my two cents.

P.S. In my experience God changes things when we are thirstiest (is that a word lol) and it sounds like you are really thirsty!!! Keep your enthusiasm and talk to someone in your church about what happens.
What are you doing to change it? My youth group was like that until me and a couple other teens stepped up and did something about it. You are sitting here talking about it like this. Quit talking and get off your butt and do something about it. Don't think that just because you're young doesn't mean you can't have an impact.

Just because you haven't seen your church alive doesn't mean that it isn't. All a fire needs to be started is a spark. That spark is most likely already there.

Don't collectively speak for all/alot of the churches. You most likely don't know what the other churches are like unless you've been there for a long time. You couldn't have told my church was alive the night Jered Pyles drowned. We were mourning and in shock and it didn't look like a church at all until someone led us in prayer. Does that mean that we are a "sick church?" NOT AT ALL!

Why not strengthen the church of tomorrow? Think about it. He's preaching towards the congregation. The adult congregation leads by example. The teens and youth look up to the adults. If the adults follow God, they pick up on it. The adults feel called by God to strengthen them.

The youth group and churches in the Nazarene denomination are strong. Do NOT say they are weak unless you have attended one for a good amount of time. We are strong and we are ready to be the church of tomorrow.

Just because they are just standing and singing, it doesn't mean their soul is inside of them dancing and jumping and hooting and hollaring for the Lord! Don't judge a book by its cover! They might be full of praise and you're saying their worship is hypocritical.
But keeping that praise inside is wrong, and i have been to a Nazerene church worship service, it was alive. but thrain im not sure you got what i meant.
I have to disagree with you. Keeping praise inside is not wrong. Praise, in my opinion, is whatever form of worship that comes from that person. The posture of the soul beats whatever posture your body may be in. If you are sitting and your hear is knelt before God in prayer and adoration, then there is nothing wrong with that. We worship God with our lives, not just with our voices.

And I think I got what you meant. You're saying that the youth groups are going to make a weak church of tomorrow.
Ducky, I spoke with you on this issue before. I agree with you. I will try not to turn this into a major religious discussion but, there are times where I believe we need to get like David, a man after God's own heart, and worship our Lord like David did. Regardless of how badly David messed up, God always forgave him.
1.) David knew how to repent.
2.) David had faith.
3.) David knew how to worship.

God honors those things. To many people get caught up in religion and legalism. It takes the focus from God and puts it on the person.
They begin thinking...what can I do? How can I do it? How should I look?
Notice all the "I"'s.David didn't worry when he got out in his underwear (became humble) and began dancing, praising, and worshipping. I'm not saying we should strip down and start dancing...but we should humble ourselves and give God the praise he deserves.
And as parents...don't forget our children, if we do they will fall by the wayside. My children do not get embarrassed to get up sing, raise their hands, and dance for the Lord. They are not ashamed of loving God. Why? Because I'm not, and I talk with them about God always.
my youth group is one of the strong

As is mine.
I somewhat resent this generalization, too. I don't know how many you've been to, but I highly doubt it's enough of a sampling to be able to make such a statement.

Also, I agree with Thrain. Different people worship in different ways. I'm reminded of a line from the Newsboys song "Strong Love":
"He worships while he grooves, She prays and barely moves."

Anyway, gotta run, but I'd be more than happy to discuss further later.
I tend to think that it is what you make it....and like others have said, if one wants to see change they first must be willing to take but a single step...

There are things that could be improved in every single church, but that doesn't mean they are a total flop just because they aren't perfect. I might not like all the people that are in the youth group with my little sister, but at least they are all hearing the same message....whether or not they apply it to there life and live it are two totally different things...

I don't know you and I don't know your church....but from my experience it has a lot to do with people not wanting to take that step, errr...that leap of faith to start changes.

but that is just my 2¢.
This reminds me of a quote that i can't name, or remember fully. but here it goes
"When one man takes a stand, the backbones of other will straighten."

Ducky i agree with you that our generation is getting sidetracked (this could be another rant someother time) but there are also many people who are doing God's will, like today we had a guest speaker at church, he was hilarious, but it was one of the few sermons that i sat through and understand!

Joey another quote that comes to mind (i bet you can tell i like quotes :p) is that "swalloing angry words before you say them, is better than having to eat them afterwards." its obvious that you were angry when you wrote it but, maybe next time you should at least write what you would say but then re-read what you wrote and look for anything that might
A. Offend someone
B. Look for flaws in you rant
C. Look for possible loopholes, or contridictions

Lemme say it again, i do agree with you Joey to some extent, but next time try and read what you type.
God Bless, and take a stand for Christ, nothing bad can happen out of it if you truly doing it for Him
I tend to think that it is what you make it....and like others have said, if one wants to see change they first must be willing to take but a single step...

There are things that could be improved in every single church, but that doesn't mean they are a total flop just because they aren't perfect. I might not like all the people that are in the youth group with my little sister, but at least they are all hearing the same message....whether or not they apply it to there life and live it are two totally different things...

I don't know you and I don't know your church....but from my experience it has a lot to do with people not wanting to take that step, errr...that leap of faith to start changes.

but that is just my 2¢.

I agree wholeheartedly :)

The Life is in the Son :D
i didnt say all youth groups. i am angry at many but not all. i have been to many. i didnt mean to offend. and you speak of change, have tried. change happens slower at my kind of church then you would think it is a traditional baptist church. my church doesnt like change.
and also i dont doubt that your youth group is strong thrawn. i didnt say all. i use mine as an example. i have recently started high school. the level of immaturity in the youth group is repulsive. i dont even want to be in it.
Just because change might happen slower than we might like, it doesn't mean that no change is being made....change in my own life and the whole church thing has been incredible slow....but there has been change....

I know sometimes it is hard to see the whole picture when you are inside the frame...

In any case I encourage you to perservere in making changes within your church, within your life group - it's been said before and will most likely be said only takes one person to make a change, it only takes but a spark to start a if your flame is being put out - start one some where else...but don't give up....

For if you give up then you aren't contributing to the change that you are so animate about seeing...

again, just my 2¢...take it with a grain of salt, for it isn't meant to offend, only meant to offer another persepective....
Just because change might happen slower than we might like, it doesn't mean that no change is being made....change in my own life and the whole church thing has been incredible slow....but there has been change....

As a friend of mine is known to say:

"It takes time to do business with God."

i have recently started high school. the level of immaturity in the youth group is repulsive. i dont even want to be in it.

The fact that you don't want to be around them because they're immature shows a bit of immaturity in yourself. You have to realize that they look up to you since you're older. If you distance yourself from your youth group because they're still in the laugh-at-fart jokes, then two (or more) things are gonna happen.

1) High school is really gonna suck for you at church. You will distance yourself from them and you won't have any friends when they do mature some because they'll think you don't like them.
2) They'll see you distancing yourself from them and then they'll distance themselves. When they distance themselves, the younger kids coming up after that and the new kids to the youth group will have the same thing happen for them.
RubberDucky, I can hear the frustration in your voice. I can tell you want the best for your group and the church as a whole; I already know you have an incredible passion for God. I pray that your devotion would be contagious.

Please understand that no matter how many youth groups you've attended, it's still a very small sampling. I believe that you didn't intend to claim that most youth groups are horrible, but that is certainly what you implied. And understand that others are passionately devoted to their youth groups, and claiming that their groups are sick is like an attack on their best friend and family, all rolled in one. I know that's not your intention; you see a lack in the church, and you are driven by a passion to correct it.

Also understand that there are many ways to worship. I happen to be a more exhuberant sort of worshipper (I lift up my hands, don't always stay still); my husband, however, does not worship in the same way. But his passion is just as sincere as mine. In fact, my grandmother and her younger sister were two of the most Godly women I've ever met, both passionate about God, but they were "quiet worshippers." One's outward demeanor isn't always the most reliable indicator of the depth and sincerity of one's devotion.

I'll be praying for your youth group, that they would experience a new passion for God.
If you wish to change the group you are in start small, don't expect to much to happen quickly, people will always dissapoint you if you take that approch. Instead start with one person and instill in them your desire for a stronger God oriented group and then get them to help you reach others, one at a time you will be supprised in the long term what you can accomplish in your youth group and church.