Playing Female Characters


Are we playing the same game?

I get chased/ambushed by male warriors dancing behind me at least once a week, as well as the "playing drums" thing. I've even had two at once run up behind a friend and I. I've also gotten the request to have my character take off her clothes and dance. (They used my character's name, even.)

I change districts.

Of course, there was my one marriage proposal... That was nicer...I guess...

Yeah, I guess...

But I prepared myself for this reply, no female that I know was going to agree with me. But that still dosen't change my experiences.

I only found a difference on RP servers in WoW, which I mainly played in.
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Razi_Alaster said:
But I prepared myself for this reply, no female that I know was going to agree with me. But that still dosen't change my experiences.

Maybe because everyone can tell you're a guy anyway? I don't know. But I do know that people I go on missions with figure out that I'm female pretty quick.

A (real-life) friend of mine, who has gone on missions with me, theorizes that's it's because I "talk" like a woman. For instance, I never say, "dude thats so lame." (His example, not mine!) :)

But I still like playing female characters! And obviously it hasn't spoiled my enjoyment of the game. :D
Hmmm I had had bad experiances in game playing with my female characters especially my Ele. Remember I AM a Male and I am NOT gay :0)
Never played a female character...and you won't see it happen.

Guess I'm just not in touch with my feminine

As for the, 'I'd rather look at the female avatar''s a cartoon:eek:

The graphics don't impress me all that much anyway. I'd much rather play a game with worse graphics and better game play.

I still haven't found a graphic game with PK rules anywhere near as good as the mud I played before this graphic stuff came out.

bah...I'm too old for this discussion:rolleyes:
MaidMirawyn said:
Maybe because everyone can tell you're a guy anyway? I don't know.

Probably, or maybe because its just the rp server, they seem to have a more mature audience in General and playing a femme character was probably just a coincidence. None of my friends I made with the charcter knew I was a guy apparently, that or they were just being nice. Probably the later.

I think in general, guys play femme characters because they like the way women look over men, even if they won't admit it. This applies to only the males who do play as females obviously.

I'm also a huge fan of a girl that uses bow and arrows! I think they are one of the coolest looking characters in games. Guys with a bow and arrows are a very close second to that though. So you can guess what classes I mostly played.
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ArchAngel said:
a guy meleeing and a girl supporting with arrows is pretty hot...

Okay, now I'm worried. One word: PIXELS!

You realize a women can't really do archery like that if she's corsetted, right? :rolleyes:
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MaidMirawyn said:
Okay, now I'm worried. One word: PIXELS!

You realize a women can't really do archery like that if she's corsetted, right? :rolleyes:

According to my wife there's not much a woman can do when she's corsetted....
"Corsetted" means laced into (wearing) a corset. Every single female character in the game has to be corseted: women aren't shaped like that naturally. Apparently there is a magic, invisible corset that some of the women wear... :D

I've never worn a corset (and don't want to), but I did wear a tightly laced bodice for Halloween. That was bad enough! (Though nothing compared to a corset: a serious wearer aims to get the waist FOUR INCHES smaller!) Even in a bodice there's some things that just don't work right: bending, stretching, sitting, breathing, eating... :rolleyes:

Actually, I have a dance friend who makes really intricate, usually goth, corsets. She can't understand why I won't wear one!
Nice Explaination!! I admit I really didn't totally know what a corset did tell you the truth :0). Remember I was homeschooled no TV till like 14 so umm there are things I do not know thankfully.
MaidMirawyn said:
Okay, now I'm worried. One word: PIXELS!

You realize a women can't really do archery like that if she's corsetted, right? :rolleyes:
and that's the beauty of a virtual world... you can have a corsetted girl fire off arrow and after arrow.
Wow. That's just scary, hehe. I mean, I took Physics a year ago, and something about that doesn't seem possible...