Dumb question, but anyone here play jedi outcast

You may have seen the link for TheForce.Net which is a Star Wars related site. Fellowship of the Force (FotF) is related in a way. FotF has been started by some ex-members from Redeemed. They broke off of Redeemed about 2 or 3 weeks ago. There are lots of stories going around on the breakup. A word of warning...I wouldn't ask about it on Redeemed. There are still some hurt feelings.

I am a member of the Redeemed clan, but I have also been hanging out in the FotF forums and their server. I basically go to whichever server has some humans playing.
Yep. I don't get a ping either. Almost looks like it's not up. But I can get 'Server Info' and join just fine. I wonder why you are having a problem joining. Did you type in the IP address by hand or are you using a server finder?
typed it by hand from their site into jk2

I use hl manager an they just relaeased a new version which supports multiple games, so i'm going to try typing it in there to see if I can get a ping that way.
I tried connecting to Redeemed's server, but get this message:

This server uses protocol version 16.

I guess this is due to different client/server versions. I am pretty sure I'm patched as much as possible, to version 1.03.


Any other servers worth checking out? I need someone to show me some moves. I still can't figure out some of these patented moves ppl are killing me with in multiplayer, despite reading several guides online.
Oh. The latest version is 1.04. There are still servers running older versions because people don't like what they did to MP. With each revision, the MP aspect got radically different. So you'll need version 1.04 to run on Redeemed.