Dumb question, but anyone here play jedi outcast

Yehoo Alien!!!!

You don't need to join the clan to play on the server. It's a public server, but with a password. Earlier in this thread I think I posted a website telling you the IP of the Redeemed Server. When I get home, I can give you more information. There is also a password.

I think there's a way when searching for servers to specifically set an IP address. I don't remember the steps offhand. But once you get it, be sure to mark it as a favorite, so it remains in your Favorites list.

I've been playing on-line the last few nights, but all they've had are bots.
I use to play it go addicted and quit. I quit because there was something that should have taken up my time for the whole summer instead of a game, the Bible.
Excellent point.Anything that takes time away from God should be cut back to its proper place.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I've also downloaded a saber mod, some LOTR skins, a and a couple Halo skins.

Oh..Oh ..Oh(jumps up and down with hand in the air) where did you find LOTR skins!!!I've been to pcgamemods.com and didn't see any.I think there is another site I'm missing......

Check out http://www.jediknightii.net for skins.

I discovered a new server we can play on. It's a new Christian-oriented server. It was great because there were people on line!!!! I popped on probably after 10PM West Coast time. There were about 5 of us at one point. The clan site is just starting out. It is called Fellowship of the Force.

One of the guys asked if we would want to play against them some time. I told him most of us are newbies. But it doesn't really matter. I was getting creamed last night, but it was FUN!

Anyway, I can give the IP address tonight. There is currently no password as they are in full recruitment mode.
Hmmm, I just checked JKII.net and they don't seem to have any LOTR skins.

But they have lots of info on Jedi Academy links. Interviews and stuff. I'm gonna go check those out this weekend.
Thanks for the links
The question I'm about to ask will sound kinda dumb but I need help so here it goes.How do I get to an IP address like Redeemed's server to play

Run the Multiplayer part of JO. Click on Join Server. At the bottom you will see 'New Favorite'. Click on that. Type in the required IP address.

For Fellowship of the Force it's:

Now, when you go into Join Server, be sure to your Filter is set to 'Favorites'. It toggles between 'Internet', 'Local', and 'Favorites'.

Just some helpful things: Hitting the 'y' will let you chat with others. Holding the TAB key will display who is on, their scores, and their PING. If anyone has a Ping of 0, then they are a bot (computer player).

I just checked the Redeemed server and there ARE people playing on it. But...my parent's are in town, and are gonna watch the kids. My wife and I get to have a dinner on our own. Yippeee!

I will probably be on sometime later tonight.
I can't thank you enough SSquared for all the help
I will probably head over there tonight or tomorrow and try it out.Catch ya in the arena!Have a great evening.

Glad I could help. Did you try it out yet? Did my steps make sense?

Well, Kidan, MaddMexican and I made it over to Redeemed tonight. I had a blast. I was bursting out loud laughing on many occasions. Kidan's got some sneaky tricks up his sleeves. And MaddMexican's use of heavy saber stance can get you bruised rather quickly.

I will probably try again tomorrow night (Saturday night).
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Did you try it out yet? Did my steps make sense?

Your steps made perfect sense!I got on the Redeemed server this morning and walked around(there was no one else on) but it was so cool!! I'll try FotF later.I will try and be on this evening sometime.Thanks again

Wow!! I got back on Redeemed this afternoon and played with about six or seven other players.Of course I found myself falling faster than a droid in a room full of jedi,but it was a BLAST!! Hopefully with practice I will manage to stay alive a little longer

w00tage! Just picked up my copy yesterday. Played a few hours last night in single player mode to get acclimated to the game. The best weapon I have is the Imperial Blaster so far, no Lightsaber or Force yet.

After I play single player a little more I'm gonna pop into multplayer mode on the Redeemed server and check you guys out if that's ok.

May the force be with you. (Pssst...God > Force)
Ohhhhhh YEAH!!!! Cool. Yep. You won't get the lightsaber until about the 3rd or 4th level. And you slowly get force powers over the course of the single-player game.

Great. Maybe I'll see you around the Redeemed server. I think there are links earlier in this post on how to find the Redeemed server. I've also been playing on the server for Fellowship of the Force.

Alien, how's it going? I noticed your new Avatar.
Cool thanks for the info. I'm really tempted to scrap single player and jump right into multiplay immediately LoL. I'll think about that some more, although multiplayer is just a matter of when I jump in, not if.

Also, what's really interesting is the fact that the guys involved with the Redeemed server are also involved with Star Wars Galaxies.  They have a PA set up called The Consecrated already.  I assume that many of them are SWG beta testers.  

This also might explain why the Redeemed's server is so vacant all the time.  Their playing SWG Beta.  
  Just a thought.  I may get involved with that too because my playing Jedi Knight II is what I'm using as a primer for playing SWG whenever it is released.
Hahaha. I didn't even realize The Consecrated was part of CGC (Christian Gaming Coalition). The Consecrated isn't necessarily the same people as Redeemed. CGC is the parent organization. Within the organization are 3 clans. One for Jedi Knight, one for Elite Force, and one for SWGalaxies. I am a member of Redeemed, the Jedi Knight clan. I've thought about maybe joining Omega Fleet as well (the Elite Force clan).

The Redeemed servers have seen a recent surge in activity. The fact they were empty caused some people to say, "Hey! Let's get things going again."

BTW, ToJ has a JK clan as well, but I don't think anything is happening with it. The website is empty and the forum hasn't seen much happening either.
Good to see ya again SSquared!And welcome to Captain Chaos
Things are going great! I registered to post on Redeemed's forum the other day and have played on the public server a couple of times in FFA and CTF.Is FotF part of Redeemed?I thought I saw FotF's IP addie on R. site.

Glad you like the avatar
I found on a JOII site.We'll heve to get together some time and play.
