Search results

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    Tonight's Bible Study

    The pure of heart
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    Church website
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    Jesus' Wife

    consider the source. The item was found on the antiquarian market NOT on a dig! The Holy Spirit was in control when The Church assembled the cannon we know as the New Testament. That Coptic papyrus fragment tells us nothing about Jesus An analogous topic the NY times...
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    Counterfeit Gods

    God & voting
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    Amazon Headset

    I bought my cousin the yapster (NO affiliate URLs from me EVER) ASIN:B001FY7LBQ He's happy with it on PS3, and Jitsi zRTP secured SIP calls. (free) Find a free SIP provider that is...
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    Call for donations for dedicated server hosting expense

    Have you considered offloading some bits to CloudFront and using CloudFlare?
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    One more TV purchase thread

    Certainly avoid walmart: the prices are lower because they coerce manufactures to use lesser quality components in models sold at walmart. On the other hand you might need to consider buying a refurbished device or a floor model. Visio is a solid brand for the cost...
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    Needing some advice on college, or maybe life in general.

    Have you considered Hillsdale college
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    Steam for Linux!!!

    The downside to the move to SaaS games is I won't buy a game unless there is a non-internet LAN mode available.
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    Android app and game recommendations

    __FIRST__ You MUST apply the PDroid framework patch to *maintain* control over YOUR data and YOUR privacy on your android device. It is NOT unethical to root YOUR hardware. It is unethical to pirate software. __Second__...