L L Laraptor May 8, 2008 awww you are the sweetest/hug i got a months worth of time for now but thank you any way/hug
A A Arakk Laraptor Arakk wrote on Laraptor's profile. May 7, 2008 oh yeah forgot to tell you the news, im an officer lol THE BANKER woot woot
A A Arakk Laraptor Arakk wrote on Laraptor's profile. May 7, 2008 hey you, me and randy want to buy you a game card cause im really lonely lol so let me know your address so we can send it to you... and we will not take NO as an answer miss ya
hey you, me and randy want to buy you a game card cause im really lonely lol so let me know your address so we can send it to you... and we will not take NO as an answer miss ya
L L Laraptor Arakk Laraptor wrote on Arakk's profile. May 7, 2008 HEY YOU!!! thinking about getting on vent