
Woot Gj guys :) I remember the first time Redeemed stepped foot in there as a Raid. Hakkar had it commin'!
I remember our first time in ZG, it was 7 people and we made it Venoxis' room for Rep only, and this was before they nerfed the number of trash mobs. I think it was the second or third run in when the Brainhacker dropped off a trash mob for us.

Our first Venoxis kill was with 17 people. And that was amazingly hard. We killed him the next few times we were in. Then they buffed Venoxis and we didn't kill him for the longest time. It wasn't long ago he was the only boss we could do. Then the others started coming in line in rapid order, Bat, Raptor, Fish, Spider, Tiger and Panther (well, we need practice on the panther, we've only been to her twice, so she will get easier). And now we have Hakkar down. All that is left is Hexxar and the Edge of Madness, which is where I live...muwahahahahaha
Panther is still incredibly messy for my guild. Panther has the ability to wipe us by marking all of our priests first. We can kill her, but its always a crazy zergfest by the second time she repops. Rogues pop evasion and go in and tough it out with the whirlwinds etc...