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Bacon > All other choices. Im still waiting for my bacon pistachio mint chocalte rocky fudge blasted moose tracks.....
I REFUSE to choose! After all, there is the carrot cake(fresh out of the oven & homemade), Chocolate cake layered with peanut butter, key lime pie, Coconut Cream Pie and Eskimo Pie! Mississippi Mud Cake, Friendship Cake, Peanut Butter Pie, Pecan Pie, Pecan Cake... Need I continue?! Dessert FTW!
I think my vote is unanimous thanks to my handle.

And just for the record, if everyone likes pie so much, why doesn't anyone make a character named Pieplease?!?

So =P tehehehe
Cheesecake is WIN, because it is cake/pie... it;s a sweet mutation of cake and pie... toss some Tiramisu and I'm in a wonderful place.

All the cake lovers have come out of the woodworks. PIE ONLY LEADS BY ONE VOTE 12-11!!!

In unrelated news, 4 deaths have been linked to the consumption of the new Bacone (A bacon wrapped ice cream cone) due to immediate artery obstruction.