Your favorite Worship song.

Just listened to it, Halonic. It's great.

Another one I love to sing...with choir at church, preferably, since it's more powerful than just me and the iPod...

Days of Elijah
These are the days of Elijah, Declaring the Word of the Lord
And these are the days of your servant Moses, Righteousness being restored

And though these are days of great trials, Of famine and darkness and sword
Still we are the voice in the desert crying, "Prepare ye the way of the Lord!"

Behold He comes! Riding on the clouds! Shining like the sun! At the trumpet call!
Lift your voice! It's the year of Jubilee! And out of Zion's hill salvation comes!

And these are the days of Ezekiel, The dry bones becoming as flesh
And these are the days of your servant David, Rebuilding a temple of praise

And these are the days of the harvest, The fields are as white in the world
And we are the labourers in your vineyard declaring the word of the Lord!

Behold He comes! Riding on the clouds! Shining like the sun! At the trumpet call!
Lift your voice! It's the year of Jubilee! And out of Zion's hill salvation comes!

There's no God like Jehovah! There's no God like Jehovah!
There's no God like Jehovah! There's no God like Jehovah!

Behold He comes! Riding on the clouds! Shining like the sun! At the trumpet call!
Lift your voice! It's the year of Jubilee! And out of Zion's hill salvation comes!

Behold He comes! Riding on the clouds! Shining like the sun! At the trumpet call!
Lift your voice! It's the year of Jubilee! And out of Zion's hill salvation comes!

If you've ever studied the meaning of Jubilee, I think the song takes on a whole new meaning!
Dea, we sang "Days of Elijah" in the morning worship service last Sunday. Very powerful and moving song, especially when about 900 are belting it out and clapping at the same time.
Yeah, I love it! But one week the music minister decided to do that as a congregational song, followed immediately by Hallelujah to the Lamb as a choir special. Wow. THAT was draining. I told him next time he might as well throw in the Hallelujah chorus for good measure, and see how many vocalists pass out!
How Great Is Our God?

really how great, can it be descibed? (rheatorical)
Oooh, that's a good one.

Just got back from church camp this weekend, still hoarse from singing so much.

How about "You Are My All in All"?
o ya, all of those classics that everyone will always sing are really powerful
i'll sing them all day and still have the same fire that i did when i first heard them
Speechless, by Steven Curtis Chapman, is another great one. After seeing him live, the song took on a whole new level of meaning. (If you've ever been to one of his concerts, you'll know what I mean. It really is a worship service!)

My words fall like drops of rain, My lips are like clouds.
I've said so many things, trying to figure you out.
But as mercy opens my eyes, and my words are stolen away.
With this breathtaking view of your grace...

And I am Speechless, I'm astonished and amazed
I am silenced by your wondrous grace.
You have saved me, You have raised me from the grave.
And I am Speechless In your presence now.
I'm astounded as I consider how You have shown us
The love that leaves us speechless.

So what kind of love could this be
That will trade heaven's throne for a cross
And to think you still celebrate
over finding just one who was lost.
And to know you rejoice over this
The God of this whole universe.
It's a story thats too great for words...
We are speechless

Oh how great is the love The Father has lavished upon us,
That we should be called the sons and daughters of God

We are speechless, We stand in awe of your mercy
You have saved us from the grave We are speechless
Here's one we've done a few times lately...

Call on Jesus

I'm so very ordinary, Nothing special on my own
I have never walked on water
I have never calmed a storm
Sometimes I'm hiding away from the madness around me
Like a child who's afraid of the dark

But when I call on Jesus, All things are possible
I can mount on wings like eagles and soar
When I call on Jesus, Mountains are gonna fall
'Cause He'll move heaven and earth to come rescue me when I call

Weary brother, Broken daughter
Widowed, widowed lover, You're not alone
If you're tired and scared of the madness around you
If you can't find the strength to carry on

Call Him in the mornin', In the afternoon time
Late in the evenin' He'll be there
When your heart is broken
And you feel discouraged
You can just remember that He said He'll be there

But when I call on Jesus, All things are possible
I can mount on wings like eagles and soar
When I call on Jesus, Mountains are gonna fall
'Cause He'll move heaven and earth to come rescue me when I call
Oh, I love the best hymns! "It is Well" and "Holy, Holy, Holy" are some of my faves, along with "Softly and Tenderly" and "Amazing Grace."

If you've never heard the stories behind "It is Well" (Horatio Spafford) or "Amazing Grace" (John Newton), look them up. Because as great as the songs are on their own, it's nothing compared to the songs in their historical context...
Amazing Grace was played at both my great-grandparents' funerals (on my mom's dad's side), so every time my mom hears it she cries :(