Yesterday was AWESOME!


Guess what....

we went to the doctor yesterday.......

found out all kinds of cool stuff.....

it's incredible what technology can do --- They measured the babies skull and also the different sections of its brain. They showed us the kidneys and liver. They measured the babies arms and legs. The baby was very active and sitting with it's legs stretched above it's head. We saw the babies heart, a zoomed in look at it showed the different chambers, and we also got to listen to each chamber's different beats. We saw the cord that goes into the placenta which nourishes the baby, and we also got to see a three dimensional view of the blood and fluids flowing through it. We saw the babies spine as well. Right now our baby is weighing in at exactly one pound, and everything appears to be normal! And we are at about 21 weeks and 3 days. The due date is still set to be around the beginning of July.

Oh yeah, one more little bit of information......

the very last picture we got of the baby, it's legs still stretched above its head, well it nicely turned so we could see exactly what we are to be expecting come July.....

It's a BOY!:cool:
ya, im seeing all that in a pig..

lab bio.. ug. *shiver*

congrats tho!!!