Yaaahh I can post.


New Member
Hello everyone. Guess I didn't realize I needed to check my mail after I registered :). Anyway.
I just wanted to say a big hello to everyone and thank you for welcoming me into your guild. As you may or may not know I can here from Warpath. I brought Moonscipher(L60 Combat/Swords Rogue) and Kilmer(L60 Prot Warrior). Both of their gear is in various stages of upgrading so I'll always be up for instances(when I have the time).
A little background info into myself. My name is Anthony and i've been playing Warcraft for about a year and a bit. Previously I played Ultima Online with many of Warpath's members. I'm married with one baby boy, Carter. A lot of my time is spent with them so most of my playing time comes for when they are sleeping ;) . That's about all I can think of right now. Looking forward to meeting all of you. See ya later.