

Former Official Thread Killer
Y'all still using Xfire at all? I reinstalled it so that I could hook up River Tigress and with people from the Alliance (there is a Guild Wars SoE Alliance section on it. :D )

So I suggest hooking it up again so iwe can use it to chat, much larger text boxes will allow for longer chats, plus it has the built in voice chat, and several other nifty features I haven't discovered!

Anyway, just wanting to ask again.

Eskimopi is my Xfire name.
Yeah, we need more people on because Pie gets gypped being on only for me since I'm not usually free to chat when he gets on. :D

Seriously though, I love the service, partly for the gaming log, but mostly because it's the best way I've found to stay connected with busy people with unpredictable schedules. Even though I have to set my status to AFK most of the time due to family-herding obligations, it allows me to still see people coming and going and anyone can still send me a message and I'll get back to them as soon as I can, even if by PM if I'm not able to respond before they log off.

It is also cool being able to see other people's gaming in real time since then I have a chance of being able to switch over to play with them if opportunity allows. Not that opportunity happens all that often, but that's what makes it all the more meaningful to me.
Ah, but Xfire does not require you to alt tab out of any game you are playing, the chat screen appears in game. No matter what you are playing. :)
ost times if folks ned to get a hold of me they also use steam which also works in game for all of hte games i play.