Xfire SNs revived

Hey, I realize there's already a couple threads dedicated to this, but they all point to the big one on CGAs main forums, and there wasn't really anyone there I recognized besides, say, Tek7 or Astrod00d. Does anyone from SoE (or elsewhere in the alliance) ever use Xfire? I just find it a convenient way of deciding whether or not it's worth signing on sometimes if I just feel like being social, yanno? Anyway, just figured it'd be worth trying to take some names down. Later!


PS- Mine's the same, TheChad1215
like everyone in soe uses it... no treally but a good majority do, im Atownbt
Side note: You can update your Tribe of Judah profile with your Xfire ID.
  • Click here.
  • Log in with your Tribe of Judah account username and password.
  • Clicking Edit My Profile.
  • Enter your Xfire ID in the Xfire ID field.
EDIT: But post your Xfire ID here, too! :D
I rejected a couple of invites because I didn't recognize the names. I think some of them are guildies. If so I apologize.
I rejected a couple of invites because I didn't recognize the names. I think some of them are guildies. If so I apologize.
HALONIC HAS XFIRE O_O, now we'll know how much time he spends farming instead of asking him to type /age lol :D , just teasin.
I rejected a couple of invites because I didn't recognize the names. I think some of them are guildies. If so I apologize.

One was me: Spdhelm. That's my brother's SN, and he had himself set on auto-sign-in. Sorry 'bout that. Real request is sent.
