XenForo: How do I...?

What is the maximum size of file you can upload? Any other way of posting gif other than uploading them?
1 MB or 1024 KB.

If .GIF isn't an allowed file type, yes, you'll need to upload to another site then link to the image.

I suppose we should put our heads together and decide on a good image host--something that allows direct linking and isn't imgur...

.Gif's work fine

I didn't upload it, just linked it like a normal pict.
How do we fix other people's avatars?.... (j/k i know we can't, ppl, please fix yours!!!!.. looking at you tek)
I picked a new temporary avatar.

I'll search around the interwebz for a better long-term replacement.

SHORPY_8d26858a_preview.jpg 6530.gif Interesting you should mention seizures. I am prone to them, and low on my medication, waiting for VA to send it. Can't get the gif across but tried a photo.
Ooops looks like I did get it.
Is it just my rendering engine or is there a frame missing from that animation so it jumps?

Edit - I checked the frames. Not only does the final frame jump more than the rest when returning to the first frame, the entire animation has about twice as many frames as are needed (doubling the size). Amateurs. . .
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Man, I feel slow. I just now figured out how to post profile updates.

So on the main page, on the right hand sidebar, there's a section "New Profile Posts." Immediately below that heading, there's a text field that says, "Update your status..." Click in to that field, type 140 characters or less (yes, like Twitter), and click Post.

Easy-peasy lemon squeezy!

You can also post on other people's profile pages, too! Just click on their username, then click Profile Page, then click in to the text field under Profile Posts (with the filler text "Write something...", appropriately enough), type something, then click Post.

Let's put this cool feature to good use! :>
Have we gotten to the point where we can exclude sub forums or even individual threads from showing up when I press the "New Posts" button?

And where is the chat box we heard so much about?
what there is a chat box???

also.... article writing?
Have we gotten to the point where we can exclude sub forums or even individual threads from showing up when I press the "New Posts" button?

And where is the chat box we heard so much about?
There are a few different chat add-ons for XenForo. I believe they all cost money, but it's been several weeks since I researched add-ons.

I'll try to pick up my research where I left off and post more soon, but if someone else wants to work their Google fu and post what they find, by all means, please do.
also.... article writing?
That functionality comes with one of the official XenForo add-ons (Resource Manager, IIRC) and also costs some extra bucks ($60, again, IIRC).

I have no objection to our purchasing add-ons and would love to see an active chat box and articles system, but we'd need people to donate at least most of the funds first. We're set for yearly expenses, but I don't want to tap into our operating budget for add-ons.
We're set for yearly expenses, but I don't want to tap into our operating budget for add-ons.
Very wise. I would help with extras, but kinda tapped out at Christmas time.
is the $60 a 1 time or yearly?

same for chat box?