Wrath of the Lich King Preview

I think the coolest thing for a lot of us will be that you will be able to do ALL of the raid dungeons in Wrath as 10 man runs. Obviously the loot won't be as good as doing them on 25-man mode, but it means those who prefer the 10-man runs can see everything the hardcore raiders see.
Rest assured that they will also be adding plenty of 5-man content, both Heroic and regular. Blizzard also mentioned that the heroic modes will have separate loot from regular (yay no more duplicate blue drops).
Trust me, Matt, I wouldn't enjoy it. If I were DPS that's a different story, but I don't expect to ever heal another raid. I've done it successfully in the past, but I'd rather dig ditches. It's just not fun for me.
I don't think I've ever seen anything official about there being an Archmage hero class. I did see a blue post a while back about Archdruids being the next one IF the Death Knight goes well.
I thought I saw it in the original announcement of WotLK. When the first site for it went live and they mentioned hero classes, that was one of the 2 listed. They must have taken it down because there is nothing about it anymore except in the chitter chatter of the fan forums.
There was post where they said that IF Death Knights went over well, then the plan would be to release new hero classes on a major-content-patch basis, starting with (probably) the Archdruid, and moving towards (possibly) the Archmage and Demon Hunter.

The post was quite explicit in stating that this would only come into affect if Death Knights went over well, and then which classes come out is up in the air at this point -- we could probably expect Archdruids, but the other two were just names being thrown around.