
Go go Sanitation Engineering!!!


What's the position for?
Just go in there in jeans and a t-shirt. Be like "look, I'm pretty busy and we've got a raid tonight.. I've got 80s spread out across all servers and tonight they need me to dual box my healer and tank, so can we get this over with?"
I would personally go with- "World of Warcraft? Never heard of it? Is that like some kind of kids flash game?"
So... when's the interview? How did it go?

I applied at Blizzard last week, just waiting to hear anything. I don't live in Cali though so they might not even consider me.
haha it was....good one..if it was a joke :P How did that slip through the cracks when all the other posts people obviously saw it was a joke? :P
Posted on April Fools - Makes me wonder :p
I was wondering why no one else called him on it.

But it might be legitimate. He wouldn't be the first member of the larger Christian gaming community to apply for a job with Blizzard.
I have a friend that has been approached by Blizzard headhunters to work for them on databases. He is the head person in charge of the databases for livetext (most college students probably know what this is). BUT he was offered less pay than what he already makes, would have to move from Illinois to Cali, and couldn't work from home like he does now except for one week every 6 weeks when he goes to Chicago to work.

He turned them down pretty fast.