WoW the Trading Card Game


Active Member
Hey is anyone out there playing this? I checked out the demo and printed out the sample decks, man it looks cool. I played a ton of MTG back in the day and love TCGs in general.

If anyone is interested I know a way we could play this online for free through a sweet client software. It has full scans of all the cards available to make what ever deck you want.

If you are interested let me know. I can point you to the client downloads and what not.
I haven't played it ... I bought a mess of the cards right when it came out because I wanted to get the cool in-game trinkets ... but then quickly realized that a turtle mount wasn't worth $200 ... and in the end gave away the points that I did have to one of the farming contests last fall (I think Mavelin ended up with the special tabard or something).

ANYHOW ... that's kinda off the subject. I've never played a TCG (closest I game was the mock TCG within FFVII ... which was pretty fun!). While I hardly have time to play WoW much less add in a new diversion these days, if you do get enough interest in this I'd like to give it a go at least once just out of curiosity.
I think the WoW CCG is excellent, and I don't even play the online game. I'm a long time Magic player, have actively played many other CCGs over the years (Magi-nation, Netrunner, Dune, Wheel of Time, Shadowfist) and I think WoW is one of the best-designed and most enjoyable card games ever produced. It plays a lot like MTG, but without any real 'mana' issue or the need to check extensive errata/banned lists to see if your cards actually do what they says they do. The only downside I've found so far is that there does tend to be a more pronounced 'snowball effect' than with Magic (aka its nearly impossible to make a comeback once you get far enough behind in resources/remaining life). But overall I think its better in design that MTG. I still prefer the 'flavor' of MTG though - and that is where my heart (and wallet) still remain tied up, mostly.

The wow card game is a little beyond my nerd comfort level... I'm sure Mirakle will bring them to work sometime and make Icthus and I play...
I'd be interested in taking a look. My son saw that they were releasing a CCG, and I'm sure would totally geek out on giving it a go.
I play!! My son and I play all the time, and I'm hoping to go to a couple tournies this year. Played the Hunter and Mage Decks but it is too easy with those... Surrently working on a Prot Warrior deck...only issues is the time limit sense you can kill my Hero, but I don't do much damage :) Sounds like someone I know.

and as most know I have the Picnic Basket and the Red Tabard.