Word Choice


Some words have been creeping into posts in this forum that I am not altogether sure have a place here. Such words are dumb, stupid, idiot, etc do not add to conversations and leave room for personal attacks.

Please consider your word choice carefully. I am not going to go any further down the road of this is okay to post and this is not. I would think that our ultimate goal is to build a discussion in a constructive manner.

This would be a good time to review your posts to make sure that such wording is not a part of it.

This post is not directed at one specific person. It is intended to stop a problem before it snowballs into a larger one.

Everyone, for the most part, has been doing well regarding the new ToS. While the rules are stricter, if everyone posts as they should, there really is no problem. The new ToS was written because basic courtesies were not extended when posts were made.
I never use those words at anyone on this board in specific. If I do it's just a general term.

Does this mean we can actually not use stupid, idiot, moron, etc..?
Ive got an idea why dont we censor some of them. I honestly do not realize why we have some of the words in the first place. Just a thought.
Well, while I appreciate the effort on the part of you admins, I would like to point out that one way or another, humans are going to show how human they are -- they will find some way to insult them, whether it be through the words or simply their attitude towards another person. How can we better tweak the ToS to keep this in check as well?
I think it might be counterproductive to discussion if the ToS were made even stricter. As is it takes into account sarcasm, which may be what you are talking about with peoples' 'attitude' towards another.
Has anyone considered why the ToS was revised? I am not being sarcastic, I am genuinely interested in what your thought are as to why.

NOTE: I am going to expand this to a ToS thread as well. I think it would be good to discuss it civilly. Please do not be disrepectful in your posts. I am going to keep this in Religious Discussions as I know many of the people who regularly post here better than those in the other forums.

There are times I am amazed that we act as we do considering this is primarily a Christian community. This is one of those topics that I should not have had to post. Any idea why we went to a point where why I felt the need to post this? Again, this is not a condemming question, I am curious for your feedback.

TOS much needed to keep us in check and accountable!

I feel the forums were getting very out of hand with name calling and other issues.  Therefore, making an update of TOS very necessary.  Sadly, there were some bans, well deserved because of this.  While I miss those banned, the main reason for this forum, is to win the lost and to grow Spiritually.  Both made more difficult with verbal attack! I have respect for especially the non-Christians who have stayed despite being persecuted at times.  

I can recall a couple of instances, one in which the forums had to be shut down due to the fiery darts of the enemy.  This came very soon after Gen accepted this position and it was no easy task for her.  She has done a commendable, dedicated, and tireless job, and I admire her for it!

Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set. Proverbs 22:28

There is no greater landmark than the Cross.  Selah.  May we stop and ponder this.  Mel Gibson came as close as anyone has to depicting Jesus' suffering, but in reading Isaiah 53, I think it was so much the worse than we can ever truly imagine.  

As many were astonied at thee; his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men:   Isaiah 52:14

I believe the staff here is motivated by love.  That same love that kept Jesus on the Cross to suffer and die for us.  While He had to power to destroy the whole earth, He uttered not one cruel Word.

He was oppressed and was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.  Isaiah 53:7

May we be geared by such love.  While it may seem difficult in the heat of a discussion, to not take it personally, to hold back on defending a brother or sister in Christ, and first and foremost to want to defend our Saviour...nevertheless, may we do it in His love.  Beginning with me, may we remember our common goal of serving the LORD and making a difference for Christ.  DV started a topic that ended with 2,638 views.  There have been 16,693 views overall to date, in the Religious Forums alone.  May all see God with us and in us.

A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city: and their contentions are like the bars of a castle.  Proverbs 18:19
Jango- The link is posted at the top. If you join the boards and do not read it, please do not complain or comment if your warning level gets bumped.
Most forums have a default TOS that's exactly the same, you can't blame people for not skipping the TOS if they're used to it being the same.
Again, maybe a topic outlining the rules would be appropriate to those of us who skipped the TOS.
I was skimming through the ToS again, and this kinda confuzzled me.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Lewd references to any issue, including, but not limited to: Homosexuality, trans-sexuality, bisexuality, bestiality, blood-Letting, Self-Mutilation, Satanism, Wicca, Mysticism, Astrology, Agnosticism, Atheism or other forms of occult practices and demonic torments are not permitted or tolerated.

What exactly does this mean? I understand what a lewd reference to transexuality and bestiality and satanism might be, but what about things like mysticism and astrology and atheism?
Jango - It is a member's responsibility to read the ToS. You have to check a box saying you agree to it when you register.

Again, the link is at the topic. It may be a good idea for you to follow the link and review the ToS, just so you are aware of the rules. Everyone has a chance to read them when they sign up.

Mr Bill....Did Hes... answer help?

I suppose you give greater leeway on some of the things on that list, like agnosicism and atheism, as we talk about those all the time. But that makes sense, active promotion of these things is forbidden. That's why that Satanism thread was deleted.
Oh before I forget, suggestion for moderators: When you give someone a warning, the warning pm does not indicate as to who gave the warning. So for the purposes of further discussion on the call, methinks it'd be a good idea to state who you are in the message.