WHY....?Why would they ever?


New Member
Make Iron breakers wear mail skirts instead of the plate Leggings they Deserve! :cool:


Felt the need to troll :rolleyes:
Why did the somewhat new Knight of the sun class get the short end of the stick on the main page under Recruiting? Just was looking to see class balance and did not see them on the list.
That brings up a good point...I can update this for us, do we still want a class-recruiting-balance thingy on the website? I can certainly add the KotBS and change it up according to what RealmWar shows us, if you all think it is a helpful tool.
That brings up a good point...I can update this for us, do we still want a class-recruiting-balance thingy on the website? I can certainly add the KotBS and change it up according to what RealmWar shows us, if you all think it is a helpful tool.

If no one esle is going to say anything for what its worth i thought it was useful and enjoyed it. If my alt-aholic kicked in and i dident know what i wanted to try I could look to see what was needed and see if I likeed it from there
OK I will work on it a bit over the next few days, some people are still transferring in their toons so it might not be very accurate for another week or so.