Why pirates are better than ninjas

ok....um....where is it not?

either way......no internet access on a wooden ship, and carrying around all those sharp things doesn't leave much room for a PC.......

just gimme my rig, and my pipe....and we'll call it a day
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naive white dudes.

asian cultures honorable? find one where bribery isn't the law of the land.

West asia=dangerous with terrorists and Shiite vs. Sunni wars, South Asia idk about, North Asia is Russia so idk anything about it, East Asia/Far East=a whole lot of commies... except Japan and Taiwan and Thailand and some other stuff but still a lot of crappy products that always get imported to the US.
as an asian, I find the idea that asian culture are honorable is laughable.

going back to my example, bribery might be prevalent, but it is frowned upon in western society.
it is not only expected in some asian cultures, but at times, people will be penalized if they don't bribe.

the samurai were brutal and the kings, corrupt.

I see little in asian cultures worth lauding.
I understand the corruption of western civlization, but I'd choose it over the east any day.
Pirate < Ninja, end of story. (hint: orlando bloom < jackie chan)
Samuri < Ninjas, i mean seriously. atleast Ninja's can dodge bullets/gattling guns (hint: the last samuri---also, there is no 'last ninja' where has pirates and samuri are no more, there are still active ninja monestaries, so yeah, obviouuuus)
Pirate < Ninja, end of story. (hint: orlando bloom < jackie chan)
Samuri < Ninjas, i mean seriously. atleast Ninja's can dodge bullets/gattling guns (hint: the last samuri---also, there is no 'last ninja' where has pirates and samuri are no more, there are still active ninja monestaries, so yeah, obviouuuus)

Realistically, you can't move your body faster than a bullet. I'd give you a hundred bucks if you could blink faster.