Why is CNN not reporting on voting in Iraq?

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
I might be jumping the gun on this one, but why is CNN not reporting that preliminary voting has begun in Iraq? CNN repeatedly reports on deaths of U.S. soldiers in Iraq and mentions public polls disapproving of Bush's policies, but they fail to report on the positive effects of those policies. Does this damage CNN's reputation as a news organization?

they are liberal biast?? ive heard fox, and other local stuff reporting em
liberal media, thats y i dont watch or pay attention to the news, too degrading and negative.
I go to CNN.com to laugh at their reporting.

I go to Fox when I want to hear actual news.

By the way, I need to post the link to a "story", I'll be back to edit this once I find it.

EDIT: Ah, here it is. I scanned it for profanity, and didn't see any, so I apologize if it has any. (It shouldn't, it's from Newsweek-- it's satire, but it still shows the attitude of the mainstream media.)

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While the mainstream media continues to report news, I find myself not trusting everything that they are saying when it comes to different issues. I think sometimes the news gets muddied up.

Offtopic: It would be cool if there was a site like digg.com but for real news only, whether it's local or around the world.
I live in california. i dont have cable. :( all the news over here is mostly entertainment news. never really any real news.
Offtopic: It would be cool if there was a site like digg.com but for real news only, whether it's local or around the world.
Digg is moving in that direction, you know (as in not just technology related).

Digg.com, the technology news site that some are calling the next Slashdot, has reached a critical mass of users and now plans to enter into broader categories - including, perhaps, sports and business news - as well as new forms of media such as video and audio, Mediapost reports.
Media Bias Spectrum™, ver. 1.2
<--liberal                         conservative-->
0 = center
1 = BBC
2 = Rush Limbaugh
3 = Fox News
4 = CNN
6 = Time Magazine
7 = The New York Times
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i wouldt put fox news in with limbuagh, nor would i allow o'riely to affect that rating. o'riely has been going off on wierd tangents in the last month, i think hes overboard like limbaugh. i dont like listening to either of em anymore.
I actually don't think Clinton is that bad of a guy anymore, except for perhaps his personal life. George Bush Sr. has taken to calling him "son," he supports the war, and he's one of the few liberal Democrats that actually tries to bridge the gap and promote compromise between the parties.

And I don't watch O'Reilly because I don't like the idea that I'm going to endure advertising so that someone can tell me what to think about everything. I'd rather make up my own mind.