Why can't we?


To my brothers and sisters in Christ.....a question to ponder

Why can we come in here and defend the faith against those who do not share the faith, but cannot come in to help build the faith?

Genesis1315 said:
To my brothers and sisters in Christ.....a question to ponder

Why can we come in here and defend the faith against those who do not share the faith, but cannot come in to help build the faith?


That is a goos question, but one I don't have an answer for. I do have a question of my own to ask you though Gen. Why can't we build the faith while defending it?
not saying we can't. only speaking for myself, I know I have learned a lot answering the questions and debating the topics that are posed. But, have you noticed, how quiet it gets when DV and Eon and Jim stop posting?
And the quality of discussion is great in here, for the most part. Can't really call it debate - because to me it's more civilised and more back and forth than debate.

It's more like a conversation.
I must admit I don't quite understand the question... Please define building the faith? Do you mean encouraging other Christians? We are all supposed to do that, but not many Christians ask for encouragement (mainly out of some level of embarrassment I would imagine) but if that is what you are referring to, I agree completely.

If not, I am lost as to the meaning of your question.

I posted a while back on this forum asking for assistance with a bible study I was doing about a particular issue that many Christians find controversial, and it got moved to the Bible Study Forum. ;)

There's also the Prayer Requests/Praise Reports Forum for the edification of others. I think it's more a matter of what this forum is designed for. If not for questioning or defending your personal faith, then what is this particular forum's purpose?

EDIT: Or are you simply asking why we aren't more active in those forums?

But, have you noticed, how quiet it gets when DV and Eon and Jim stop posting?
They are secretly sniggering behind us saying: aha! we control the forums, we control the GALAXY! One forum to control them all... One forum to um... dunno.

Whatever. Anyway I think that I'm kind of burnt out of the religious discussion, as you have noticed I don't post as much as before. I find it kind of redundant arguing as It's SIMPLE and yet, NOT simple as how to argue and let them know certain ideas which are very vague. I think I'll be hopping in and out.
Just a general question. The Bible Study forum was designed specifically for Biblical based studies, RD is for a broader scope, like our discussions on Creatism vs. Evolution, or creating a culture of Life or homosexuality. I just can't help bu wonder though how much we could learn from each other by tackling some of these larger subjects.

It is very interesting to see how, when we who are all believers in our Lord Jesus Christ, differently respond to questions that I really think we should be on the same page.

And as I said, it is just somthing I am curious about.

SMILES GEN....... I personally atm cannot really answer your first question, but wanted to add on my feeling for the prayer and praise area that was posed. To me that area should be more sanctified and less discussion...... that's what this forum is. The prayers and praise are for those believers who need some uplifting and to share blessings. ( I am not saying I will not or do not pray for those of you who are not Christian .... so don't go there...... nor will I ask you not to make a request.) I hope that helps with why we have different areas. Blessings,"Angel"
Genesis1315 said:
It is very interesting to see how, when we who are all believers in our Lord Jesus Christ, differently respond to questions that I really think we should be on the same page.
I agree with this.
That's the thing that's always confused me - if you ask Christian's about their faith and say "Is it an academic religion that requires a highly educated priesthood or a common man's religion that anyone can understand" you'll almost invariably be told that the "important stuff" is simple enough for anyone to understand.

However, when you ask a question about it, you'll find that it's anything but. Is this because the message of God is confusing, or because priests have spent thousands of years obsfucating it to earn a living?
Eon said:
Is this because the message of God is confusing, or because priests have spent thousands of years obsfucating it to earn a living?

Neither. It's mostly confusing because people over-think things. The message of God is simple, but people spend their time arguing and debating over very foolish things such as: "was Jesus crucified on a cross as we know it or hung from an actual tree-trunk, and what position were his hands and feet nailed into?"

That's an actual debate I witnessed by the way. And I couldn't really help but ask why they were wasting there time on such foolishness. In-fact the Bible warns not to get involved in debates such as those.

If we would simply teach people what is important (salvation, how to spot the many false doctrines, how to become closer to Christ) and avoid all of the other distractions and garbage, we would be much more effective.

That's my stand on it.

Now in the interest of completeness, some parts of the Bible do require some study... not because it's made difficult on purpose, but simply because of the large generational gap between Biblical culture and our culture today. That comes with time and effort (just as any good thing does) but it's not something to be intimidated by.
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Is this because the message of God is confusing, or because priests have spent thousands of years obsfucating it to earn a living?

Just to add to what James said, one more contributing factor is our natural tendency toward laziness. We are spoonfed doctrine by priests, preachers, and lay people alike, and very few of us actually take the time to find out for ourselves whether their answers are in congruence with the Bible as a whole, or if they were knowingly or unknowingly taking some verses out of context.
James, you're dodging the issue. We haven't been asking what size nails Jesus was crucified with and what wood the cross (if it was, indeed, a cross) was made of. We have been discussing the trinity, salvation and what a 'true' Christian is.

Bill, if a preacher is to be subject to constant checking up by his flock - what is the point of a preacher anyway? If his doctrine is suspect... Well, WHY?
Eon said:
James, you're dodging the issue. We haven't been asking what size nails Jesus was crucified with and what wood the cross (if it was, indeed, a cross) was made of. We have been discussing the trinity, salvation and what a 'true' Christian is.

How does any of that invalidate what I said? It's very true in many of the forums I frequent (both Internet and not).

Eon said:
if a preacher is to be subject to constant checking up by his flock - what is the point of a preacher anyway? If his doctrine is suspect... Well, WHY?

If a school teacher starts talking about how Washington was a communist and the X-Men are a scientific fact, wouldn't you want to check up on that to make sure it lines up with history books? Yet the role of a school teacher is no less important.

Same principal. :)
True - but it's much harder for a school teacher to do that, because history, science, language and so forth have much more commonly accepted rules.
Eon said:
True - but it's much harder for a school teacher to do that, because history, science, language and so forth have much more commonly accepted rules.

As a school teacher I can tell you from experience that it is not harder for a teacher to do. There are not more commonly accepted rules. There are commonly 'preached' rules for teachers. But many teachers teach things very differently, sometimes on purpose and sometimes out of ignorance. Some teachers teach theories as theory others teach theories as fact. Many teach that Abraham Lincoln was a hero, some that he was a liar. Many teach that the primary reason for the civil war was slavery, others teach that there were many causes that contributed as much as slavery to the war.

To be honest with you, you never know what your child is going to get from public school. I pulled my children out of public school and that was one of the primary reasons.