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My friend Conman316 would like to play with us

Name Trevor
Age group Younger

He is my friend from church and is'nt that into the internet to do this stuff =p
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User Name: Iansellars
Name: Ian
Age Group: Older

User Name: MisterMunly
Name: Michael
Age Group: Younger

I just got my little brother an account so I am looking for a safe friendly place for us to play together on.
Conman316 and Iansellars were added to the whitelist.

(sorry for the wait, was offline for a while due to internet problems)
(: You should already know me by now Grey.

New IGN: Rexul (I still have Soka7, Soka7 is an alpha account so I'll still use it occasionally if there's updates I can't play on Rexul.)
RL Name: Ryan.
Age: Over.
target56 was added.

Did you know there are 137 registered users on the current white-list?
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would like to add my older brother to the server.

UserName: DarksSideMoon
Age group: oldish (almost 20)
Name: Andy
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